january 24th 

♡ checked the mail; received a kids’ board game from beau and 3 bamboo shoots from daisy mae
♡ talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from and got navy blue mariachi clothing from tiansheng, a green café uniform from cyd and a diamonds jockey uniform from lucky
♡ collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
♡ dug up my daily fossils and money spot
♡ dug up and got rid of flowers that grew from yesterday’s snowfall
♡ placed some more transparent designs on the ground to try and combat further flower growth
♡ bought diapers (all variants) from able’s
♡ bought an empress-tree wood stair dresser from nook’s, checked the morning turnip price and sold stuff to the twins
♡ checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up 3 giant clams
♡ harvested my pear trees
♡ delivered a package to audie for lucky and got a table lamp in return
♡ returned a lost planner to whitney and got red skiwear in return
♡ dug up the gyroid fragment i buried yesterday; it turned into a brown wallopoid
♡ dug up a brown drummoid and a blue ringoid
♡ threw some stuff away
♡ bought a yellow kitchen mat, a blue medium round mat and a blue dotted rug from saharah, and exchanged 5 tickets for a meadow vista
♡ got a golden dharma diy from cyd, a pizza margherita recipe from fauna and a nice branch diy from margie, and added them to my spare diys pile
♡ shot down a balloon and got 5 pieces of clay
♡ got a bamboo hat diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
♡ checked the recycling bin
♡ collected my daily bonus nook miles
♡ checked nook shopping
♡ withdrew bells from the ABD
♡ put some stuff into storage
♡ went on my daily mysterious tour and kapp’n took me to vine/glowing moss island. i gathered up all the vines and glowing moss, dug up a gyroid fragment, checked the beach for giant clams and found and learned the glowing-moss jar diy!
♡ buried and watered the gyroid fragment when i returned to my island
♡ went to paradise planning and checked the shop, exchanged 73,100 bells for 29,971 poki, gathered up all the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found an unglazed dish set diy and got a spare pretzels recipe from my restaurant’s chef
♡ went to harv’s island and scanned poppy and prince’s amiibos to unlock their posters (i didn’t think to do so while they actually lived on my island lol)
♡ bought a green camo tote bag and a green delivery bag from kicks
♡ checked to see what redd is selling this week, but he’s unfortunately only got fakes
♡ had cyrus customize the stair dresser and artsy chair to the variants i’m missing
♡ checked nook’s afternoon turnip price