january 26th 

♡ checked the mail; received a letter from margie
♡ dug up a green twangoid and a grey drummoid
♡ dug up and got rid of flowers that spawned from yesterday’s snowfall
♡ placed more transparent designs on the ground to prevent further flower growth
♡ collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
♡ bought a pink bath stool and a mysterious painting from redd
♡ caught a few bugs
♡ checked able’s to see what they were selling today
♡ talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from and got a purple robot hero tee from tiansheng, a lime boa fleece from lucky and a berry red business suitcoat from cyd
♡ bought a black standing electric sign and medicine from nook’s, checked the morning turnip price and sold stuff to the twins
♡ beau was sick today, so i brought him some medicine and got a mini straw boater in return
♡ caught a black bass and a sea bass
♡ dug up my daily fossils and money spot
♡ checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
♡ made flour and squid-ink spaghetti
♡ completed some nook mile achievements
♡ put some stuff into storage
♡ returned something to agnes for lucky and got an orange clean-room suit in return
♡ got a wooden table diy from agnes, a pear tart recipe from sprinkle and a peach pie recipe from tiansheng, and added them to my spare diys pile
♡ dug up the gyroid fragment i buried yesterday; it turned into a blue laseroid
♡ shot down a balloon and got brown wingtip shoes
♡ cyd asked me for an ocean fish, so i gave him a pre-caught oarfish and got a purple baby romper in return
♡ threw some stuff away
♡ got a honeycomb flooring diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
♡ checked the recycling bin; claimed some red/black tangled cords
♡ collected my daily bonus nook miles
♡ checked nook shopping
♡ went on my daily mysterious tour and kapp’n took me to crop island with tomatoes. while there, i harvested all the tomatoes, dug up a gyroid fragment, caught a few bugs, checked the beach for giant clams and found and learned the cookies recipe!
♡ buried the gyroid fragment upon returning to my island
♡ went to paradise planning and bought a green game-show stand and a desktop mic, exchanged 61,200 bells for 29,988 poki, gathered up all the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found a vine ladder set-up kit diy and got a spare orange marmalade recipe from lionel, my restaurant’s chef
♡ went to harv’s island and had cyrus customize the bath stool, standing electric sign, game-show stand, gaming chair, ranch chair and throne to the variants i’m missing
♡ withdrew bells from the ABD
♡ checked the afternoon turnip price