• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

Decorated my museum and star viewing area a little bit. Started making my own museum signs because I didn't like the ones I saw online.
Helped Reese & Cyrus on their wedding photoshoot
Dug up fossils, assessed, and sold them
Plucked weeds
Chopped trees for wood
Planted bamboo shoots and chopped the grown ones for materials
Hit rocks for materials
Talked to my villagers and gifted them fruits
Finally caught a char, donated it to the museum
Bought everything I needed from Able's
Got 2 real works of art and donated them to the museum
Collected fragments from my beach
Planted more flowers
Cleared out a lot of my mail
Got Merry's photo
Got Bruce's photo
Today, I:

-catalogued a ton of awesome new stuff (and also helped other people with their catalogs, woo!)
-made serious headway into getting my gigantic mass of flowers moved around where I actually want them, we aren't *quite* there yet but I made LEGIT progress
-learned like 5-6 new DIYs, which is pretty surprising to me at this point, getting harder to find ones I don't already know!
-got 1 elephant slide color closer to the full set (btw if anybody has a grey and/or black slide they'd let me catalog I would love you F O R E V E R and also we can talk catalog trades or whatever I'M SO CLOSE TO THE FULL SET)
-converted my back room from a cutesy extra bedroom into an alien autopsy room, which honestly really feels a lot more like my style ahahaha

All in all, a solid frickin day :cool:🦝
I donated new creatures (earth-boring dung beetle, robust cicada, ocean sunfish, puffer fish, sweet fish). I also made some progress on some new wand outfits, though some still need a few more pieces of clothing before they’re done. I returned a lost item to Lily and I also learned the Bashful reaction from Lucky.
In Reviled:

- Dug up all the fossils.
- Sold all the seashells and saved the summer shells.
- Shook all the trees.
- Watered all the flowers.
- Paid more of my loan.
- Checked up on and talked to my villagers.
- Donated anything new to the museum.
- Checked on Nook's Cranny and bought anything new.
- Checked Nook's Shop and ordered five of anything new.
- Checked the Able Sisters and bought anything new.
- Got whatever was new from the daily NPC villager.
- Got new DIYs.
- Changed my home slightly.
- Caught some more bugs and fish I needed for models.
- Bred some more hybrids.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Caught new bugs and fish from this and last month.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
Here's what happened on Shione Island both today and yesterday:

6/15 (it rained today)
• Got the final Remodeling stamp!
• Sahara was here!
• Got the recipe for the Lucky Gold Cat out of a balloon!
• Went on an extreme shopping spree at Able's...
• Rearranged some flowers; hybrids are starting to take over my beach ': D
• Worked on a few custom designs...
• Helped Reese and Cyrus again (cute-theme), got the bridal veil.

6/16 (still raining! )
• Gayle asked me to catch a saltwater fish for her, I brought her a red snapper.
• Redd was here today! I bought the right half of the Wild Painting, which I'm fairly certain wad the real deal.
• Poor Marshal had fleas :(
• Kevin showed me how to add some "Flourish" to my actions.
• Helped Reese and Cyrus again (chic-theme), got the wedding shoes and wedding pumps. All that's left are the suit and dress, which is why I've been saving up my crystals.
• Cleared out some more of my storage space.
  • did a couple of trades
  • collected my mushrooms and bottle
  • browsed Able (sadly no interesting stock today)
  • hit some rocks for resources
  • checked my mailbox
  • finally ordered the right simple panel color for my greenhouse. kept forgetting to do that lmao
  • had saharah as the visiting npc
Well lately I haven’t been posting much since it’s the same thing but anyways...

1st island
  • Fixed my town a bit
  • Took down my waterfall entrance
  • Added a cliff and waterfall behind resident services
  • Talked to all of my villagers and did requests
  • Got diys from villagers
  • Got Celeste diys
  • Celebrated my villagers birthday yesterday
  • Did shopping at nooks and ables
  • Did daily routine
  • Fixed my house a bit
  • Got some wallpaper from Saharah
2nd island
  • Started doing pathing
  • TTed a bit and moved out Winnie
  • Moved in Piper with her amiibo
  • Did a bit of fixing
  • Talked to some villagers
  • Paid off a loan
  • Tted for some things in the game
Spend around 40 tickets to find a new villager to replace Willow who moved out, first villager was the best I encountered, Joey, but I thought I could get better. I couldn't and now its up to faith.

I rearranged flower fields and placed all excess flowers on the beaches.

Moved the campsite.

Collected materials, since I was low on wood resources.
Today on Erinacea, I:
  • Finally made the bold decision to redo my villager neighbourhood, in preparation for two new Amiibos I’ll be moving in in the next little while. I dug up many trees, terraformed to extend the north cliff further to the south, and moved a few villagers houses around (this involved TT but I was impatient to see the final result). Two villagers are now on the cliff, which is the first time I’ve had a split level neighborhood, and I’m loving the results!
  • Helped Gulliver out, and hopefully he’ll send me something good in the mail tomorrow.
  • Bought the entire argyle sweater collection at the Able Sisters. Was looking for that set for some time.
  • Finished decorating two of my villagers’ doors, so now everyone has a unique entrance to their home!
In Reviled:

- Dug up all the fossils.
- Sold all the seashells and saved the summer shells.
- Shook all the trees.
- Watered all the flowers.
- Paid more of my loan.
- Checked up on and talked to my villagers.
- Donated anything new to the museum.
- Checked on Nook's Cranny and bought anything new.
- Checked Nook's Shop and ordered five of anything new.
- Checked the Able Sisters and bought anything new.
- Got whatever was new from the daily NPC villager.
- Got new DIYs.
- Changed my home slightly.
- Caught some more bugs and fish I needed for models.
- Bred some more hybrids.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Caught new bugs and fish from this and last month.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
- hung out with my mom in animal crossing. let her buy the 1 piece of authentic art from redd
- moved some bushes around
- gave some coconuts to my villagers
- sold some excess items from my storage
- went on turnip.exchange, went to some cataloging events. got a giant teddy bear diy
- tracked the weather for each hour, logged in the info in to meteonook
  • did some more trades again
  • cleaned up some of the flowers on my island. they were getting a bit messy.
  • collected daily mushrooms and bottle
  • talked to everyone
  • delivered some mail for raymond and beau
Not so much accomplish but a villager left so I was able to go island hopping again. Was really hoping for a smug since I dont have one.

Heres who I ran into:
Viking cow
Demon girl cow
Ganon pig

Lol not even sure about half their names... unfortunately I couldnt resist dom so now I have 3 jocks rip
Today I replanted some flowers that I cloned and I’m finally starting to fill up my island with flower colors and types that I want! I’m doing purple/black/orange flowers to get a Halloween feel. I went through so many different themes but I think I’m done switching my island around, I’m finally starting to like it! And there are so many different types of flowers in those three colors so it’s easy to change around the species without it looking too much the same all around.
Dug up my fossils and money tree location as usual. Bit surprised I haven't finished my fossil gallery, since I've been playing since the game started, but the mammoth skull must be a really hard one to get.
Caught lots of fish and bugs. Some I sold, others I put in storage to turn into models when The Bois finally decide to show their faces.
Sold some fruit, although my orchard is ready for harvest again. It's a bit of a chore managing it, and I don't particularly need the fruit for bells, but it's too big to move easily so it's gonna stay there.
Hunted a lot of shells today. Small profits, but dead easy.
Bought some clothes.
Traded some recipes. Finally got the Ironwood Dresser DIY I've been needing, so I completed the set and it's all in my main room of my house now. Not sure what my next decoration project will be - probably the Log set. Or the Antique set.