What Did You Accomplish Today?

Painted the wall of my boyfriends side of the livingroom. Quite a dark color, but if he likes it, I'm fine with it :D
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My samsung galaxy s8 has just about packed it in.

This morning I noticed it was swollen, so it may explode at any moment.

I managed to do this in less than two years, and they told me I am just out of warranty.

So... I just spent over $1100 on a Samsung Galaxy s10 that will be here on monday.

I was saving that to buy a switch.

I'm not happy.

Quite an accomplishment.

And Samsung, I don't like you. No I don't.

I hope the phone doesn't explode before then.
If I'm not around, you'll know why. O_O
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Spent a few hours studying for my calculus final, and just finished writing another final! Only 2 more to go!
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Cleaned the dishes.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Cooked up a meal.
- Finished my day in New Leaf while also re-ordering and re-stocking some things.
- Did some item trades.
- Vacuumed
- Fixed some more bad threads in the carpet.
- De-cobwebbed a bunch of places.
- Went through my old soaps and toiletries to try to use them up.
- Washed, dried, and folded a load of laundry.
- Had an overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial. :)
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Cleaned the room of my guinea pigs and rabbit completely. Was needed, as I didn't had much time the last 2 weeks to do the full cleaning. It feels so good to see the room sparkling clean again. :D
Hmm, accomplish... I've added more patches to my jeans pants! Jeans with patches is the best aesthetic, y'all. RN I'm working on another furniture wishlist to finish furnishing a house in my New Leaf town. The house belongs to a villager character I only have to store patterns and junk but I hate having an empty house in my town, plus I'm running out of things to work on my town and I'm sad to abandon it.
I learned how to make and style tables in inDesign! :)
Please don't get blown up to pieces.

It's worse than moving house, changing phones.

It sucks when they only last 17 months. :(

Apart from the phone drama, I managed to mop the floors and vacuum again.

Saves my cat picking up her own fur and getting a hairball. :(
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When I volunteered at my old middle school, I actually cleaned up the desks correctly. I just spray the stuff and wipe with a towel, not minding all the gum underneath. ;w;
I went to work and got a few important things accomplished there. Then, I ordered a Christmas present for my father-in-law.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Cleaned the dishes.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Cooked up a meal and some extras for leftovers later.
- Finished my day in New Leaf while also re-ordering and re-stocking some things.
- Did some item trades.
- Had an overall lovely day!

I did not end up doing much, so I hope to make up for it later today/tomorrow.

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial. :)
Went to work.. cold was not that bad and while for sure I'd rather sleep all day I need my money and it wasn't too much anyway.
I arrived to work today without getting stuck in the snow or hitting somebody. ��
It's taken me since yesterday, to finally load the full gmail site.

It sometimes goes to standard or basic html and it's hideous, and all the advice they give you doesn't work.

You become trapped in a loop.

Finally someone posted an actual link to the latest, desktop gmail that I'm use to.

All normal again and it only took two days. ^_^