What Did You Accomplish Today?

I went to work and started wrapping some things up that were related to my prior project and learning a few things to prepare me for my new project. Right now, I'm doing a load of laundry.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Cleaned the dishes.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Cut up a honeydew as snacks for later.
- Washed, dried, and put on the sheet set.
- Steamed the floors.
- Finished my day in New Leaf while also re-ordering and re-stocking some things.
- Did some item trades.
- Had an overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial. :)
- Managed to stay up all night... yay.

- Cut some people out of my life I felt that needed cutting out. I have an extremely hard time doing this, so I'm very proud.

- Appreciated my love for Cheems Doge.

- Actually ate a bit healthy today...? If applesauce is healthy, lol.

- Finally evolved my shiny Bounsweet into a Tsareena. I was very tentative on this but eventually said 'heck it', and went ahead and did it.. >w>

- Wrapped my dad's Christmas present.

- Took my pills on time!!!
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I went to work and just got home. Will be finishing my essay today cause it’s due tomorrow and I won’t have time to do it tomorrow ;-;
Finished my Christmas shopping online.

Now to save up for next year.
Tis an all year event.
Went to the mall and bought some black slacks for my work attire, as well as a birthday gift for a friend. Read a bit in both of the books I'm currently reading. Nothing much. cx
Honestly nothing. I cleaned a little bit but I slept in way too late because I stayed up too late last night so I didn't do anything
Went to the mall and bought some black slacks for my work attire, as well as a birthday gift for a friend. Read a bit in both of the books I'm currently reading. Nothing much. cx

Yo slacks where?😫 The slacks I come by are either even sizes (wth) or just not right. My work has a certain dress code, and slacks are expensive.

I went to WORK today. Today is only day 8 of 10, I still have 2 more days to go.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Cleaned the dishes.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf while also re-ordering and re-stocking some things.
- Did an item trade.
- Went out and got some food.
- Finished two of the event entries.
- Had an overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial. :)
Today was a pretty quiet day, I didn't do much. I mean, it's almost midnight, and I'm about to actually work on things... so... technically I didn't really do anything today, December 7th. Mainly rested to try and get of this darn headache. I have been continuing to work on my Pokemon team though, for competitive! Just been fighting in the Battle Tower all day.
Honestly nothing. I cleaned a little bit but I slept in way too late because I stayed up too late last night so I didn't do anything

Hey, at least you did something <3

Yo slacks where?😫 The slacks I come by are either even sizes (wth) or just not right. My work has a certain dress code, and slacks are expensive.

I went to WORK today. Today is only day 8 of 10, I still have 2 more days to go.

Yeah the slacks I got were expensive as hell. My mom bought them for me tho lol. :3
I took the bins out a few minutes ago and changed the litter in the litter box.

Always a pleasure. ^_^
It isn't much of anything but I ended up digging up my sister's old 3DS with my New leaf cartridge in it. The 3DS was barely reading my game card but I can participate.

Cleaned my rabbit's space, washed her blankets, fed her.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Cleaned the dishes.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf while also re-ordering and re-stocking some things.
- Went out and got some more food.
- Finished another of the event entries.
- Had an overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial. :)
Turned on my Xbox for the first time in a few years and started working on the updates that I've been avoiding for so long heh. Been updating for 6 hours so far...
In case I pass out early... I did not get a full sleep.

- Stuck to my fasting.
- Cleaned the dishes.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf while also re-ordering and re-stocking some things.
- Washed, dried, and folded a load of laundry.
- Looked up some more recipes.
- Had an overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial. :)
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It wasn't today, but it was late-ish last night, so that almost qualifies. I finished sewing the canopy onto the parasol frame for my mother's holiday present. Tonight I'll stitch along the ribs, and it will be done! I'll get some pictures this week to share, because I'm really proud of this project.
I fixed the frame for the floor in the livingroom. Can this room finally be done <-<
I installed Pocket Camp temporarily and have been playing it since yesterday to complete the Feng Shui event.

I'm done! :)