What Did You Accomplish Today?

I've been feeling nauseated all day and part of last night, but I still dragged my butt to my 8 am class today so I guess that counts for something.
I figured out how to run a data query at work today to identify a system issue. I felt rather proud of myself because I worked it out mostly on my own by just bouncing ideas off of other people.
Main goal today was just to relax. I'd like to think I've accomplished that: haven't done anything work- or school-related AT ALL. It was DESPERATELY needed. :p
Got my new stereo system hooked up. My old one didn't work anymore. No not like 'oh its a little static-y'. Like, both speakers finally chocked out on me. They would constantly switch between which one worked and which one didn't. Then neither worked. But I got this new system on sale so that's cool.
didn't get too mentally ****ed by this crap im going through so that's good i guess.
I've procrastinated writing an essay today... Might as well start it and actually accomplish something lol.
Worked in the garden for the first time in a while. and made progress learning how to walk in heels too!
I accomplished the goals I set for myself at work today, completing the most important tasks that I was falling behind on. I also did some laundry and I'm going to the grocery store in a little while.
I graduated from university today! :D

Happy Graduation! *big party popper* That's gotta be hard, I hope you're able to celebrate hard.

I got paid, got cake, and made it throu a work week. I get a day of break until I have to be back on Sunday for the opening shift.
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Went to church today to practice our Confirmation mass, then went to work afterwards. Got home and finished a late assignment.
•Made the perfect breakfast freezer sandwitch

•Got a haircut/shave

•Got a cactus

•Removed the old polish on my nails, filed and shaped

•Painted my toe nails with a new polish I got on sale

•Did like 5 online practice driving tests and passed all of them, so guess I'm ready to take the real deal.
I got confirmed today. Went to the party at the church, bought some school supplies afterwards, and finished a math assignment when I got home.
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