I washed and changed the sheets and comforter on the bed. I folded and put away the old sheets. I cut up some fresh treats for my dog and gave his water bowl a good, thorough cleaning. I pulled a tick off of my dog and released it back outside. I wrapped my husband's birthday presents for his birthday tomorrow.
I called Medicare to straighten out a claim they denied for a doctor's appointment I had in April. I had to talk to two different people to find out that they never fully removed my husband's insurance that I lost over a year ago. I actually called them last year to tell them about not having the second coverage anymore so I was sort of annoyed that it never got taken off of my record.
I celebrated my husband's birthday with him and tried to make it the best day possible. I gave him some movies and a game that he's been wanting and took him out to eat at his favorite Japanese restaurant.
I've been doing a lot of laundry this week. Yesterday, I washed the towels and today I washed my clothes to get ready to go back to work on Monday.
I also did some research on a flea and tick collar that my vet recommended the last time we went. Apparently, this particular one (Seresto) is just as effective as the topical stuff I've been using, but it's less muss and fuss and cheaper too. Plus, it lasts 8 months. I looked into the reviews online and it seems like it's worked for a lot of people. I might be getting one after I use the last of the topical meds next month.
Yesterday, I accomplished some things at work that I'd been meaning to get around to for a while. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home to pick up a few necessities for the weekend. Then, I vacuumed the entire house.
Today, I walked my dog and cut back a ton of bushes, limbs and vines that were in the way.
I cut up some treats for my dog, walked my dog, did the dishes and took out the garbage. Other than that, I mostly prepared to go back to work tomorrow.
I got up and went to work today despite wanting to go right back to bed. At work, I spent all day doing someone else's job since they were out. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better and I can complete my own work.