I buckled down today and cleaned up my incident queue as well as reviewed a bunch more test output and basically finished off the work week with very little carryover.
I'm quite proud of what I did today! I bonded with my sister today and it we had a good time! We tried out some yoga, stretching and just had a long personal talk with each other. It was really refreshing and nice to build some happy memories together while still going through a literal pandemic. Also today I finished all my online work since I am still a student and online classes aren't that bad for me! Please, everyone, stay happy and healthy through these tough times!
- Cooked a meal.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Took out the trash.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf and New Horizons, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Did some cardio.
- Had a overall lovely day!
I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
read 100 pages in the book we have for next thursday, read a text on my laptop(couldnt print it out bc it was like 30+ pages), took a bath and washed my hair
- Cooked a meal.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Took out the trash.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf and New Horizons, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Did some cardio.
- Had a overall lovely day!
I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
I got up and worked from home. I prepped a bunch of emails that have to be sent out tomorrow morning and reviewed the files for this week's implementation.