I decorated Wendy's yard as a pop star stage. And I'm using the umbrellas in my beach area. Everything else is going into storage including Pave's gaudy golden float.
I put a festivale stage in my seaside seating area where I had a few shell tables and chairs lined up, so now it looks like they're facing the stage making a little beach performance area. It's pretty far from resident services so I haven't seen any of my villagers use the stage yet but I hope they will soon!
I used the stalls here and there for little stalls/shops around my island, and I paired the parasols with beach towels in another part of my island's beach to make a shaded chilling area. I really liked the festivale lanterns and float but didn't have any real use for them so for now I put a fountain away and replaced it with the float with the 4 base colored lanterns around it, right in the center of my fly-over area. So for the next few days that's the first thing my visitors will see!
I have some drums and garlands sitting in storage so I'm curious to see what creative uses people find for them so I can start placing them on my island.
I used the entire Festivale furniture set to throw a sweet party on my island for one of my friends that I spend time with in the game. There were several colorful confetti cannons that I placed at the entrance to my island and it was really nice seeing all of the confetti being launched up into the air on the day of the Festivale event. The way that the Festivale balloon lamp looks is good too, I like how bright and colorful it is, even during the nighttime. In the interior of my house, I had fun playing with the Festivale drum. It'll be interesting to make a musical concert with the drum. It was exciting being able to decorate the island with the Festivale set, I plan on continuing to use some of the items from this set whenever I plan on having another party on my island.
I went overboard on collecting feathers so I could have a stockpile in case I ever want to give some of it to animals. I kinda want to see if I can do something neat with Dom's house.
I for some reason went through the trouble of collecting every piece in every color. I have no idea what to do with them. I don't wanna throw them out but 46 pieces of furniture is a big chunk of storage.
Most of them are going to go into storage. I'll leave some umbrellas out for the beach and I replaced some of the bunny day balloons with the new balloons
I put all the Festivale furniture I got into storage, since right now I'm not using them and have no plans to use them, but I want to have them on hand just in case I want to use them in the future since they aren't reorderable.
at the moment I have my regular red set of festivale furniture up to make a performance area next to a cafe I have, but it feels a bit too out there to keep up year round! probably at the end of this month I’ll get rid of it and replace it with something else. but I think some of the furniture items, like the parasols and hot air balloons, I could defo find a use for
I got a good deal of TBT them. That aside, it was the stalls that were the real prize for me and I've plenty. I want to try to create a marketplace/plaza and they're just so much better than what's already available; the design schemes depending on the color put them over the top.
The items that I've been buying from Nooks over the last couple of weeks I've used to decorate a couple of spots around the island - the stalls, balloon lamps and festive lights have been used in and around my outdoor cafe area and the dance stage is at an outdoor pool and sunbathing area, also thinking of adding a stall to this area too.
Most of the items I received from Pave during the event are currently in storage till I decide what to do with them, I'm not really planning on using too many more of them around the island other then maybe another stall or a couple of festive lights and my favourite colour (blue) was the one sold at my Nooks so I already had the complete set I wanted before the event. I'll probably use a couple of rainbow variation items and get rid of the rest, I'll most likely keep hold of the float but don't think it will be bought out to decorate the island.
I still have all my winter decorations in place, so everything is in storage. Because I didn't want to store umpteen rainbow feathers (I kept one of each color so I can wear them), I did the grind to get complete sets in all colors, with duplicates of lamps, balloon lamps, parasols, and flags.
I have a display between my shops for the seasons, and I will use some there, as well as at my entrance, and some items placed around the island. I'll be able to swap things out as the seasons change.
I got enough items for 5 floats. I finally had to make myself stop! I then caught enough feathers to customize them all! I want to to make a DJ dance area, and put some stuff on the beach, buys other than that, I don’t know what I’m going to do with it all.
i really like the festivale items but didn't know what to do with it so i just dumped it all around my island
i have rainbow lamps around my house and loads of green items in my tropical corner, which fits really well
i didn't know what to do with float though so i just gave it away, all other items are really nice and look really cute with my theme