What did you do with your new Festivale furniture?

I made a little party area that will be used for celebrations and stuff year-round! I'm so happy about how good the furniture looks in this game since now my beach isn't empty anymore 😂
I used the garland as fencing for my entertainment area, which has stages, confetti makers and drums. The flags are really neat and I have them everywhere. I've decided to use the stalls for the flea market area. I have 4 floats used as decorations on the villager side of the island. Overall I am pretty satisfied with the Festivale furniture. Since I have a resort-themed island, all the furniture is pretty much perfect for what I've had in mind.
Mostly just in storage on a side toon that has the other holiday sets/items since it doesn't really fit my town's aesthetic.
I do have a few of the pieces in the green variation for a little springish themed area though (garland, lamps, and stage) - but that area will change eventually once I find the motivation to actually do something permanent with it lol. I think the green looks a bit more nature-ish with the color and bamboo like aspects so it works well in some areas.
I do really love the rainbow vartiation of the items though, I'm excited to see them used in the pastel/colorful towns.
I haven't played through festivale yet and I didn't play much this month, so I was only able to buy 3 pave items beforehand. So far I used my 3 for my friend's birthday party. We had a roof top dance party with confetti blowing in our faces! 🥳


I don't think the set matches my theme very well so I won't be using it for my every day decoration, however I'm definitely going to be using them to throw some awesome birthday parties! I remember the first birthday party I hosted for my friend and the only thing I could use for balloons was the bunny day ones 🤣 If I redo Tabby's area I might try and work the reddish variant into her landscaping somehow but it definitely wont be a lot.
May get some hate for this but I just sold all the items. I'm sorry but this event wasn't all that impressive to me. I mean I kept the ones I like because of the colors green and blue but all that extra stuff I got on the event just felt pointless. I am so bothered that there was like no indoor themed Festivale items I was hoping for Flooring, Wallpaper, and Rug. All of the Festivale items were more outdoor theme whereas in the old AC games it used to be indoor which is something I wanted to see improved but I guess thats not a thing anymore.
I haven't played too much, other than to do villager orders for my shop, so I didn’t get many items beforehand. I did play yesterday and will probably TT back to finish getting the items.

I'll set up the garland by my campground and the confetti by my outdoor entertainment area. I like the parasols by the beach chairs from a previous post, so I might do that too. I'd like to put the Festivale stage and float somewhere, but we'll see!
I'm planning on using them on the main beach. I had a little music area and the stalls set up there, but I think the Festivale set is really nice and am looking forward to swapping them in.
I stuck all of it in my storage. I might need it later, so I kept it. It might stay there for awhile, though...
I used a stall for my education area and the flags and garland to spruce up the entrance of my museum. I'm also using the balloon to be my weather balloon in my science lab area. Otherwise, most of the other stuff doesn't really fit my theme very well.
The furniture is cute, but it doesn't really fit my theme well. I got a set in each colour but they will probably all sit in my storage until next Festivale
All my festivale furniture has gone in storage, I'm probably gonna sell it. I want to use the festivale float though, I just need to find a spot on my island tho.
I put them all in storage, as I have no space for them right now. I might redesign my island after I move out of this hotel someday, and into an apartment, but until then they are remaining in storage.
For the time being, I've just used Festivale flags on my island. I really like all the other items but I don't know how to use them yet. Also, I'll have to gather some rainbow feathers to customize some of them. :)
i love the festivale stalls so i plan on doing something with those. the rest of the items idk, i don't love them but they might be good for decorating some area later, so i will keep them in storage for a while.
I really love a lot of the festivale furniture! I think once the snow melts they'll look even more at home since the whole set seems like it'll fit with warmer weather. My switch is charging at the moment but I'll update my post later with some pictures! I customized all of mine to be rainbow because I like the colours the best. Out of the festival set these are the pieces I used & what I did with them:

-The little festival lamps are adorable! I bought a whole bunch and once summer rolls around I'm going to place them in front of villagers houses. I love having some kind of light displayed outside of their houses and I think for spring I'm going to keep my hyacinth lamps but just make them pink. For summer I was initially going to put out the little orange paper lanterns but I think I like the festivale lamps even more!

-I have a little band/instrument section of my island and I've revamped it to use the festivale items! I have two of the garlands at the back, then two drums, two of the balloon lamps, the festival stage, and a microphone! I also have some confetti machines pointed at the mic. I'm not super sure if I love the placement of everything and I might fiddle with this later to see if I can display my guitar as well 🥰

-I have two spots where I've placed either a beach towel or one of those pool side beds and I'm going to put some of the parasols up beside them!

-I have a small cafe area on my island and I've put up two of the balloon lamps on either side of it.

-Along my nature cliff area I have a bunch of confetti machines!! 8 of them and I love them all. I have them alternating with the bushes so when I walk along the beginning of the path there's just a whole bunch of confetti and it's amazing 💕

I love how so much of the festivale items glow or have little lights on them, it makes them feel really cozy. It's especially nice since I took down a bunch of my illuminated festive decorations so having a bit of light back on my island is definitely appreciated!
I've yet to use mine, but I'm planning to use the pastel variation on my beaches and make a cute hang out area heh
I’m still deciding how to use them on Serenity. I did use them on my other island Jurai.

there is a 3rd stage a little to the right
Ketchup and Sprinkle’s yards also got stages.