What did you dream about?

Okay while this is nothing precise its something I've been wanting to talk about for a while. Whenever I dream, especially when my sleep schedule is terrible (as it has been), they're always vivid. And I mean, like, extraordinarily vivid. I can feel, taste, smell, everything. There can be plotlines, they can go on for days, carry over between dreams-

The thing is, 9/10 times I never remember them after I wake up, and if I do, as soon as I think of anything away from the dream they're completely gone. It's insane? I really wanna remember some of my dreams, they're so cool.
I dreamt that I was at work talking to coworkers. Eh
I had a dream I was at the pet store looking to get myself a hamster. The store had a strict "no flash photography" rule, but I flashed a photo anyways. Next thing a new the goddamn SWAT team busts through my home and then after that the pet store was completely shut down for some reason.
I had a dream I was at the pet store looking to get myself a hamster. The store had a strict "no flash photography" rule, but I flashed a photo anyways. Next thing a new the goddamn SWAT team busts through my home and then after that the pet store was completely shut down for some reason.

Seems legit.

Had a dream that I was a dual katana wielding demon hunter, but I wasn't very skilled compared to others so I ened up getting stabbed in the side, which pierced my lung and was filling with blood. The only thing I could do was hunch over, concentrate on breathing and clench my hand over the stabbed part to keep from bleeding out.
I had a dream that made no sense at all. There was a photo booth underwater and I had to look after two fishes as if they were my relatives. I don't remember the finer details but after that, I was swimming in a pool back and forth after dark.
I had the creepiest dream at about 4am. That something was growling something to me, I couldn't make out what it was saying, and it was breathing down my neck. I got chills. It was so vivid it woke me up.
Last night I dreamt the original Wiggles (you know: Greg Page, Anthony Field, Murray Cook and Jeff Fatt) the proper Wiggles were apparently my next-door neighbours. I was eating my dinner and they were singing "cold spaghetti". Then I was driving in my car and they followed me and sung "toot toot chugga chugga big red car", I did the tango with Wags the Dog, sipped on rose tea with Dorothy the Dinosaur, I swam with Henry the Octopus and then I had a few laughs with Captain Feathersword. And I wake up going "WHAT THE...?"
Gayle or Julian giving me a 5 star fence in Pocket Camp. I was so confused how would a fence be a 5 star item. How would a villager give me a fortune cookie item
I had three dreams last night:
Dream #1
I was at Monaco for some reason but the entire city looked so desolate. There were barely any people to be seen nor were there any boats docked. Wondering around the desolate city of Monte Carlo, I somehow met up with Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz. They race for McLaren in F1 and I got to talk to them. I don't know exactly what but one thing for sure was that we were laughing our heads off. A pleasant experience indeed and this makes me hope that I actually get to meet them in person. Genuine people I'd want to hang out with.

Dream #2
I was in this local Walmart store where I randomly grabbed a bag of popcorn from the garbage bin. It looked brand new and in fact, the garbage bin was stuffed with them! I wasn't disgusted by it and managed to eat the entire bag. Everyone else in the store didn't seem to care.

Dream #3
There's this one event happening in my New Leaf town but I don't remember the details what it was. I was walking around with Agent S (my #1 villager!) and we both met up with this one alligator with her child. I didn't get their names but I've definitely never seen them before in the AC series. To describe their appearance, they look entirely pink with a chrome look. That aside, the alligator mom told me and Agent S to grab something from her jacket on the coat rack. We walked there and for some reason, both of us were struck with fear what it was going to be retrieved. To ensure absolute safety, I crouched to the ground while Agent S put on a red racing helmet (which was weird because Agent S already wore one). Then she quickly put her hand in the alligator's jacket pocket and to our surprise, it was a sour key! We jumped up with happiness and the dream just ended there. It seems like the alligator will never get what she asked for then. XD
I had a dream that I created a new collectible style for this site similar to a jigsaw puzzle. The goal was to collect 12 separate pieces in order. Each piece had a portion of an image and you needed all 12 to form the entire picture. For some strange reason, the very first collectible released in this format formed a picture of a chicken sandwich. :confused:
Had a dream that one of my OCs was turned into a flesh eating demon and thrown into a demon riddled place that looked like a city in an apocalyptic setting. One of the low power demons (who looked like a typical hobo bundled up in jackets and fingerless gloves) saved her from being eaten but she refused to eat flesh at all, so she started getting weaker and weaker. One day a shiba inu who was also a flesh eating demon walked into the apartment she was staying in. Instead of giving into to demon instinct and hunger she coddled the dog and refused to harm it. Later the person who made her into a demon came into the apartment and attacked the dog and hobo looking guy. She managed to fight him back and
Killed him by eating a huge chunk of neck out. But she very quickly realized what she had done and instantly freaked out regretting giving in to hunger, even if she hated that guy.
I had two dreams last night

I was coming home with my parents and sister at night and we decided to order pizza at the local shopping centre near my house (but the shops were different). So my dad goes in to order it and I stay with my mum and sister. For some reason we have cashew nuts and really wants to try them. Me, not wanting any conflict decide to go into the pizza shop with my dad. When I get to my dad I really needed to go to the toilet so head into Target next door since they had toilets near the changing rooms. I didn't have my phone and wanted to go back but I really needed to pee. Anyway I go to the toilet and then get kidnapped by the school assessment group in my country because apparently I made a deal that if I did well in my exams, I would smoke weed with them. I hadn't done that in that dream universe (haven't here either) but since it was very scary as I was pinned down and had a heap of force on me, I woke up.

This one is much nicer. Basically I was really good friends with Selena Gomez. I went on a holiday with her to the Bahamas and we partied a lot and it was still daylight at 1am. We also went to the shops there (which was like the food court of the big shopping centre near me) and started talking. We ended up talking about the events of another dream I had (Selena and I were building a really small playground to have dinner on but her Afghan grandma and my mum's friend from work weren't leaving us alone). We then went to get dinner and a similar thing happened where we went to talk to each other but a heap of random people sat with us and kept eating. It was kinda weird and I woke up to my alarm :(
Another pocket camp dream!
This time a got a 5 star item and included a memory!
the item was like a giant cat statue
(this item doesn't exist in pocket camp)
I woke up not knowing what the memory was
The dream I had is where I met my old classmate back from highschool. I was walking around the building for no apparent reason and then he started to spam Megalovania behind my head with a calculator (lol). After that was out of the way, I rode on public transportation. The vehicle was going through the streets until we reached up to a very tall and very narrow bridge towering over the busy streets. When I realized what was going on, I was actually on a rollercoaster where each individual person is incased in a gigantic sized coke bottle. I heard screams and prepared for the worst. Moments later, I dropped down really quickly along with others in a single file. All that I remember was that we were constantly in a loop-de-loop motion. After it had ended, I was surprised that I didn't pass out. Then I got myself out of there and proceeded to walk around inside buildings before waking up.
Last night I was in some sort of hotel. My room was much larger than a normal room, about the size of a house. It was dim, though I could still see fine. Not much to say about this dream, other than it was calm and I feel like I've visited this area before in a previous dream.
I got into a car wreck that wasn't my fault but still had to pay for everything and the lady screamed at me and i cried :(
My dreams are usually an amalgamation of the days happenings and conversations, even what I've watched on TV.

It all blends together to form a bizarre mess of dreams.
The other night I dreamt I was standing in my kitchen with dolls in my hand, and they had thumbtacks stuck in their necks. I would throw them against the wall to hang them and when an X appeared over their face that meant they were dead. So that was cool!