What did you dream about?

Last night I was dreaming that I was living on an abandoned island with my parents and a bunch of other villagers. We were living there with not much technology with us, yet somewhere far off away, there were these cities with high tech technology. It was weird, but I kinda had another little adventure in it on the island. That's all I remember. >.>
Last night I had a dream that I waltzed with Jared Padalecki.
The other night I dreamt that my dad passed away, and my sister and I were thinking of tattoos to get in his honor. The best I could think of was his face but screaming and to have the words, "rawr xD" next to it. Awful dream. I told him about it and he said that night he dreamt he died too
I had this a few nights ago but it stuck with me because it was so weird.

A bunch of classic characters from Nickelodeon shows were on an island and it basically turned into Battle Royale (the movie, not the game mode). They weren't forced to do it, they didn't have exploding neck collars or anything, they all seemed pretty up for murdering each other.

That monster from 'Ah! Real Monsters' who holds his eyes beat the crap out of Tommy Pickles and ate his organs. He kind of just shook him around a lot, smacked him down on the floor and beat his face for about 3 minutes whilst screaming "Argghhh, I'm a real monster!" (probably because I haven't seen the show in so long and I don't know what or if he has a catchphrase). Dill Pickles watched the whole thing but wasn't murdered since "eye monster" decided Dill would die on his own because he can't even crawl.

Plankton had an elaborate scheme where he entered Rocko's body to kill him from the inside. That was left on a cliffhanger I hope gets resolved in a future dream.

Jimmy Neutron just went crazy, hid in a cave inventing useless contraptions to turn sticks and poo into renewable energy. He also refused to kill people and instead self mutilated himself in order to eat his own flesh.

That blonde girl from the Wild Thornberry's and the robot from My Life as a Teenage Robot had a long elaborate martial arts showdown throwing each other through trees and stuff like the Terminators fighting in Terminator 2 or 3. They eventually came to the realisation that this was not right and that all they wanted was the lesbian love between a woman and a robot before deciding to leave the island, move to Spain and live happily ever after.

Nigel Thornberry was just running around like Rambo stalking characters from the background but he didn't kill anybody...Until the end when he went on a spree with his bow and machete. He didn't say "smashing", he was utterly silent other than his weird breathing noise and weird noises as he gutted people. He was pretty intense. It was like he had done this before.

Nigel Thornberry was pretty brutal.
I had a dream where I was visiting a place I used to live in as a kid-I like to focus on my surroundings whenever I dream and try my hardest to remember everything. I don't know why I do this, but I do, so everything was blurry and based on the sunlight's strength, it seemed to be midday or late morning. I remember feeling nostalgia running all over me when I reached this area and slowly a farm started to focus in my view. This farm was full of cats for some reason, but they were all behind a fence, so I couldn't pet them. Then I woke up.

What the heck kind of dream was this and what was the purpose? I guess it was just a random dream. ._.
I dreamt that I was at my job, but I didn’t know exactly what I was doing because I kept waking up in the middle of the night. Apparently, this happens to other people too, and it’s only a matter of time before I get a nightmare of my job.
I dreamt that there were secret levels in one of my favorite video games, but the enemies were over-leveled for their areas. One of the characters casted a spell to stop them called, and I quote: "Midday Alabama!" It made no sense...
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I had a weird nightmare last night where I was in a city surrounded by some outskirts, and I went to the outskirts. Well this creepy guy found me and began chasing me, and a bunch of other TBT members were there as well. We all started running away from the guy. Apparently, Bcat was supposed to be our getaway driver to get away from the creepy man, but when we made it to the car she wasn’t there. We went further into the city to look for her, but I don’t know how the nightmare ended because I woke up.

EDIT: Not even making this up. That was one wild nightmare, lol...
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Living in a world full of Undead and one of them was somewhat half human and we became friends
and he had a potion that made me pretty much blend in to the Undead, so I was able to walk besides
them without getting noticed and attacked. :V
I was forced to interact with my horrible ex--who, true to prior nightmares, was still completely oblivious to the fact that he was indeed an ex. I was stuck helping a detective of sorts, and he was under the impression that we were friends and that I'd gladly help him out. WRONG. And then I was forced to interact with his family, which soured my mood even worse.

I hate these nightmares so friggin much :mad: I'm only glad it wasn't as extremely bad as past ones have been...some of them have kept me awake before...

After my brother leaves to catch his bus, I'm heading back to bed. Hopefully I'll have a better one...hopefully...
Living in a world full of Undead and one of them was somewhat half human and we became friends
and he had a potion that made me pretty much blend in to the Undead, so I was able to walk besides
them without getting noticed and attacked. :V

Ah, so basically World War Z.... lol
Had a dream that Rune Factory 4 special came out for the Switch in America and Rune Factory 5 was going to be released very soon after. After seeing everyone around me enjoying Rune 4 so much I said screw it! and finally bought my own Switch (I've been waiting till New Horizons comes out to buy a Switch). I was having so much fun playing Rune 4 special and was super excited 5 was coming soon.

Till I woke up.
I had a crazy dream last night and I wish I remembered more of the details. All I remember was that there was an underground prison where tons of people were being hidden away, people that we thought were dead, like Amelia Earhart. I was driving a motorcycle on a chase through a town and had to get to a statue in the middle of the town scare and hit a button to release the prisoners. I managed to succeed, but then I woke up so I never got to find out what happened after I released everyone.
i dreamed about something frustrating happening at work and when i got here it really did happen
I dreamed about my old house in Arizona and I was watching this cat outside in the backyard. It came up to the door and I let it in and petted it. Then it got weird. The dream then changed to where there was a wild tiger in the backyard and another cat. The other cat looked like a bangal cat I believe, not sure of the name. I think I got that cat version from Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. Anyway, I told my mom to call animal control and they put her on hold. X.X

After my mom got put on hold, the tiger attack the cat and maned it to death. After that, I don't remember what happened. I have such weird dreams. :/
My first vague dream last night is one of those dreams that reoccur to me rarely ever since I was a baby. There’s this one guy that kept stalking me and small group of people bothering as and asking for something. I don’t really remember much after that. My second vague dream was that me and my mom were in the subway. We both tried to get off but my mother got left behind in the train for some reason and the train left the station. I specifically had to wait for my mom to get back to me despite the fact there was no communication.
I dreamt of me running away in fear of my mom. That's it. That's all could remember in my last dream. There's probably more to it, but that's all I could remember. Like, I don't even know why I was running away from her.
I always dream about my class mates. So today I dreamed about these two boys in my class (they're okay I guess) and they found my secret YouTube channel (that doesn't even exist in real life) and they found out about all my secrets and whom I had a crush on and everything. They said they would tell everyone if I didn't buy them the biggest tic tac on the world. So I just casually got in the airplane, flew to America and visited Neil Patrick Harris. He gave me the tic tac and I flew back home. The boys didn't tell anyone. Yeah it's crazy and pointless but that's just what I dreamed about
I think this fear essence is haunting me LOL I was dreaming about how most of my fear essence was taken away and then when I woke up, I was like omg LOL Thinking too much about these essences ahahaha