What did you dream about?

I dreamed that I had to take a "road test" to upgrade my license. By road test, I mean taking a test by answering these questions on a piece of paper and I passed.
Had several dreams last night, but my last one was me at a public swimming pool. I got into a fight with an overweight guy, and pushed him underwater. I didn’t want to drown him though, so I let him back up for air. ONLY for him to try and put his fat hands on top of my head and drown me instead. I called out for help as I struggled to get away. Then I woke up.
This was years ago, but I remember it so vividly I thought I would share.

One of my childhood favorite youtubers just showed up at my house. Apparently, George Bush (my elementary school friend group had an obsession with him, not really sure why??) had dropped her off to come visit me. She sat at my dining room table talking to my mom, while I sat in the corner and was flipping out. I pinched myself in my dream, and didn't wake up. She finally talked to me, and I was so happy because I got to meet one of my favorite youtubers, and since I pinched myself, I knew it was real. The disappointment I had when I woke up was immeasurable. I was in a bad mood all day. Guess pinches don't really tell you if you're dreaming?
This was the first dream I ever remembered, but I remember it so well even though it was over 10 years ago.

I had this dream where I was in a palace-esc type of room, and there were golden statues of animals and there was this wall you could climb on, even though there were no places to hold your hands or put your feet on to get a good grasp of it. Even though it was meant to be played on, you weren't allowed to. You had to stay quiet. I was thrown in there, and started playing with all of the animal statues and stuff. But, once the butler (I guess?) came in to check on me, i'd sprint behind the wall so he couldn't see me.

I was about 3-4 years old... and I still dream about this from time to time. It reminds me about being a kid again
I dreamt last night that my beard grew further than I had expected. The shock of the rapid growth was so overwhelming that it fell right off.
i had a 30 minute nap during a school break and had a dream of my little brother kicking my chest in ♡ woke up in a cold sweat
I had a dream that I had a large sundae to eat. The sundae was made out of:

- chocolate ice cream
- chocolate sprinkles
- chocolate-dipped bananas
- cherry on top

Darn... now I’m hungry. 😅
Anyone here have recurring dreams? Not necessarily nightmares, but almost identical and appearing at regaular intervals that you are able to go ‘hey hello dream it’s you again’

I have three. Don’t think I have ever share them before, and I am curious if some of us would have similar dreams.
1) an aerial view of a hillside area, think gondola lift. There are what looked like residential houses/apartments, not densely populated but somewhat all fitted together comfortably and sensibly. There will be people too: people that are...not clear, like an image at the corner of your eyes. There are quite a bit of these people moving around, but all these buildings have no lights and all are eerily quiet. Whenever I am in this dream, a ‘voice in my mind’ would tell me to leave now, and do not linger.

2) I will be riding on a bus/tram/train, some sort of transportation vehicle with a bunch of people. They looked like normal people that you can see, say, in a daily commute. Sometimes I will be there traveling with my mom (whom had moved onto a happier realm more than 20 years ago). I would never be able to continue the journey with any of them, because at some point I’d be left either on the roadside or merged into another vehicle that is going in a different direction. Sometimes we waved byes through the windows to each other.

3) In a theatre, an old classical one, those with balconies and curtains. I will be running inside this theatre, mainly through layers and layers and layers of all these thick, velvety curtains, frantically searching for a certain person. I run up and down flights of stairs, sometimes there are other people, sometimes I am alone. No matter how hard I tried, it always ended up the same way: I woke up in tears realizing it’s a dream.

As I said, not nightmarish.
Just quite...surreal. 🤔
I dreamt that I was waiting at a subway station and saw these two kids on the track by themselves. I shouted at them to get back on the platform as a train from the other side was arriving. I didn't know what happened next because I looked away and didn't want to see it. As I kept waiting for the train to arrive, an F1 car zipped past the station on the train tracks. Shortly after, the train arrived but instead of stopping, it kept on going to catch the F1 car in a losing battle.
Last night I dreamt my idiot cousin came over and for some reason he brought all these scorpions. Like a whole bunch of them. Of course they ended up getting loose and one ended up crawling on me and stinging me. I ended up actually thinking I was going to die.

Not sure why but lately my dreams have been unpleasant and discomforting than relaxing. I don't even feel rested waking up either. Maybe it's my medication...
I dreamt last night that I was on my New Horizons island hitting a rock and multiple horned hercules came out. That's definitely something.
I had this dream where I was at Seattle for unknown reasons setting up my car for closed circuit racing. For whatever reason, I only brought incomplete sets of tires (incoming complicated car stuff). I had two tires of (grippy) sports tires meaning I had to use two (less grippy) regular road tires. Despite that, I kept trying to find the last two sports tires somewhere to no success. Eventually, my dream transitioned to me being in an elementary school that I used to go to. I then walked up to my former teachers and started claiming that I was from the future. They didn't believe me, but one of them decided to lead me through the hallways. While walking in the hallways with the teacher, we suddenly find ourselves of what looks like to be a huge washroom. After that, I was woken up by the voice of my relatives downstairs through video chat lol.
I had quite an interesting dream last night.

I was in a starship during the aftermath of a massive space battle. It appeared to be thousands of years in the future, with the entire galaxy divided between three interstellar empires (probably got that from Starcraft). This battle marked the end of one of those factions. From what limited knowledge I was able to gather, they had been defeated by a coalition of my faction and the other surviving faction. I watched through a screen at a single enemy starship. It looked pathetic against the two massive fleets in front of it. That pathetic vessel was the last remnant of an empire that may have at one point controlled billions of stars. In a single salvo, that enemy ship was shattered into atoms. I asked someone else on my starship, "do you think this will be the end of the war?" He responded, "probably not, sooner or later relations with the other empire will sour, then after they're defeated we'll fight ourselves," in an oddly calm voice.

Some time had passed and I was in what appeared to be a throne room. It looked like a futuristic version of the Beijing Forbidden City. Elaborate paintings covered every wall and at the end of a long corridor was an empty throne. There was a massive crowd, presumably celebrating the recent victory. The fact I was allowed in this building at all shows I must have been a very high ranking officer. I wandered around for a while, but was unable to learn anything more about this empire before waking up.

Definitely a strange but interesting dream.
I dreamt that people kept trying to get into my apartment through the second floor window. I was able to get most of them down, but my arm had noticeable scratches.
Had a dream that one of my projects at work got delayed and a mix of my high school and uni friends were running from something in a random large building. 😬
A couple nights ago, there was a loud thunderstorm that I could even hear it in my dreams! I'm baffled as to how I slept through it.

Dream #1:
I was in this forest being chased by this one person. I eventually got away from them successfully and saw them from a far distance. I don't know how I could describe the setting further, but there were a lot of steep cliffs making it easy to lose your footing and fall. Thank goodness a huge pit separated us. I don't remember anything after that.

Dream #2:
I flew to New York during the stormy weather (wow the thunderstorms played a part in my dream!) to move in an apartment unit. Upon arriving, my parents were already there and the unit looks like as if everything was unpacked and settled in. Moreover, there was this glass case in the hallway that you can display whatever personal belongings you want. The details are blurry, but it was a few pictures of me and my family.
What l last dreamed about the other last night is that me and my brother were making thunder and l heard real thunder in my dream. Which means it started thundering for me at 6 am.
I had a dream I was staying at my friends house and it caught fire so her, her bf and I left the place and went to the parking lot to go find her truck. It was really late at night and some kid was in her truck with the ceiling light thing on. She pulled me infront of her (idk where her bf went) while she bent behind me scared asking the kid not to hurt us. The kid left the truck, the bf showed up out of nowhere and we all got in and drove away.

This other dream was like two days ago, but the part I remember was that my mom called me a little s*** three times for no reason in a store we were at. Then at home a bunch of people were outside my bedroom window STARING at me. I yelled at my mom for leaving the blinds open, closed them and shouted at the peoppe outside to go away but they didn't. I was in distress almost crying but my mom didn't care, nor did the people outside apparently.