What did you dream about?

@That Marshal Fangirl Ugh I hate those kinds of dreams. I get them at least once a year, even when school is happening. I hate them. Or like I would get on the wrong school bus and it took me to a different school.

Not last night, but kind of recent (like within this year) I was dreaming of these ghostly apparitions trying to catch me and I was stuck in some sort of labyrinth maze. It was easy for them to keep on me because they could just phase through the walls and I wasn't making any progress lol. Eventually one of them caught up to me, when they went through the wall, and stabbed me with some kind of dagger.

I woke up soon after. Probably almost immediately and I felt pain where I had been stabbed in the dream. It was kind of weird how my mind projected the pain and made me think it was real. It actually felt like I had been stabbed and it lingered for a few seconds.
I had a bunch of different dreams last night. I kept waking up every few hours and when I would drift back to sleep, I'd end up having another dream. So I had a total of 4 or 5 throughout the night. I don't remember the details but the majority were stressful in some way and they also included a lot of animals. In one of the dreams, my pug who passed away years ago was there.
I had a dream that I found an amazing deal on a gamecube at a second hand store, like $40 bucks for the system and 4 of those wireless controllers and a game! But then someone else bought it. Even in my dream I don't get the good deals 😅
the worst part about being out of school is the school related nightmares that you forgot an important assignment lmao. I wake up in a panic every time lmao.
This morning I had a dream that I was out at a restaurant with my family. My brother was being his usual, demanding self and I was working like crazy to make sure everything was right for him: tracking down staff to get him new utensils, cutting up his food, finding him a straw. By the time I got him situated and sat down to order my food, they told me the kitchen was closed. I missed out on dinner.

This dream made perfect sense with my life right now. I've been having to do so much since my father passed away and I feel like I'm making too many sacrifices to take care of everyone else.
I dreamed about Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Have been dreaming about it the past couple days, probably because I've been thinking about it a lot
Everything is a pitch black emptiness. I can just barely make out a faint human silhouette in front of me, but can't see any features. The voice says 'Wake up'. Two sickly pale hands cupped together reach out from the darkness, a body still unable to be seen. 'The Earth misses you' it says with no voice.

My alarm goes off, waking me up.
Last night I had a dream that I was living in a home for people with super powers, sort of like Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters from X-Men. I can't remember what my super power was, but I do remember participating in a challenge where I was competing against others to catch as many illuminated butterflies as possible.
I feel like I've had more "I'm at school and I've forgotten my homework" type dreams in the past month than I ever did when I was actually in school and needed to worry about that.
I was dreaming that I went to some sort of school (I think?) and on the way my old bully was talking to me.
He kept trying to interact with me, but I just didn't want to, as he caused a lot of pain and discomfort back then (in reallife, I mean).
Anyways, in reallife he told me that he didn't know why he was acting like that and that he actually liked me, but he never actually
said sorry, lol. So.. somehow that was also transfered into the dream and the fact that he never actually apologized made me not
accept the talking part.. then I woke up v:
I dreamed that I feigned that I could play the tenor saxophone proficiently in order to perform a solo (yeah, what? o_O). With just a little time before the performance I went back to a practice room and discovered that (in my dream world) the instrument had the exact same fingerings as the oboe, so I was able to play it just fine. lol
started typing out my dream but i think it would probably just get removed for being too intense. my dreams are often trauma filled apocalypse scenarios tbh so a lot of intense stuff happens. i dont understand why my dreams are like this but in my dream last night something bad happened to my brother and it was all too real. i texted him today to see if hes okay.. why do my dreams have to be so serious and scary jeez. i feel like im just being put through crazy trials or something. why, body, why?
i actually type out a lot of my dreams in my notes app so i remember them haha

my most recent dream was me playing mario party 8 (as a character) with my neighbor, tom holland, and popeye the sailor man 🤔
I dreamt you could use ginkgo leaves to glide distances if you caught the wind just right (not giant ones or anything, just... regular old ginkgo leaves). I think I was trying to return a lost heirloom that had been recovered from some family's home that had burnt down, but they currently lived in a village across a large body of water, and I was trying to use a leaf to get there. This was a long distance even for one of these leaves though, and it broke right as the village was in sight. Thankfully I was able to land safely in the river, but I don't remember much after that. I like flying dreams quite a lot, so this one was pretty fun.
I had that recurring nightmare where you find out you're not getting your degree after all because you forgot to go to your classes.
at one part of the dream i was picking up a bunch of star fragments on my island (but from perspective of being in the game) there were an unusual amount of large star fragments and i remember thinking that i wasnt sure last night was a shooting star night and it was confusing why i had star frags on the beach. for context, irl it wasnt a shooting star night on my island last night but was a few nights ago. i used to be so much better about realizing i was dreaming when i was younger. now i just let the most illogical things pass by i guess. also later in the dream i think i was in school at one point and staying at some random house.
then i noticed the house a few feet away from the one my s/o and i were in was on fire, like a raging fire inside, and firefighters were trying to put it out. no one told us there was a huge fire immediately next to us but thank goodness for the giant windows in the house giving a view of the neighboring house or i would have never known. anyways we immediately evacuated and then the house we were in was suddenly on fire from the inside out. i think i woke up soon after
my dreams are always so intense what the heck
What a dream I had last night..

A coworker of mine is moving this weekend and so my dream was about that. It started off with him complaining about something at his house that he discovered in the process of packing up his belongings. So then for some reason we all loaded up in to a car to drive to his house and see the problem (me + my other coworkers). Guess nobody was running the store while we left lol. When we got there someone had broken in to the house to steal a bunch of the mostly already packed up belongings. The thief was not expecting us so we had to devise a plan to deal with this situation. We all snuck up on to the thief who was in an upstairs room and another one of the people I was with dealt with the thief by... spraying him in the eyes with a full can of axe body spray. The whole dream felt like a poorly written Scooby Doo episode 😅
@deanapants lol that sounds like the dream one of my siblings had when we were younger. Except it was evil teddy-bears and she had to fight them off by squirting chocolate syrup out of a bottle.
I really can't remember anything in order about the dream.

I remember one part that I was helping some friend (not a real friend just some random person my dream mind made up) buy her first car. But after she bought it at the dealer and I rode in it with her, I found out it was haunted. She said she would have no problem with it cause she wasn't sensitive to spirits and ghosts like I was, even thou I said this ghost wasn't all friendly.

The dream then skips to me walking in a crystal shop with plain light grey concrete walls, dim lighting, a black carpet and simple square open windows, so I could see it was nighttime outside. I go up to the counter but I'm not buying anythin. Instead, the clerk pulls out some crystal chunks from under a shelf and puts them on the counter, saying someone bought them for me for helping them out earlier. One was the pink amethyst I actually just recently bought irl. I don't know what the other was.

Then she shows me a Lapiz Lazuli tower and says 'This one is from Skelly'. At first I was so in awe of the tower with the shiny gold flecks that I almost didn't catch her saying that. I look up from the tower, concerned since Skelly sounds like 'skeleton' and ask 'Who's Skelly?' She says Skelly is the voice that comes from the air vent. She points to a metal air vent that's on the wall but next to the floor, like where the floor trim on a wall would be. She also says Skelly noticed I love crystals (this is true for irl) so he wanted to buy one for me.
