What did you dream about?

I had a lucid dream where I was hanging out with my friend and we had a really great time and I didn't say anything about a crush just like irl but as I was leaving his house I held out my hand to graze his and then he came back and hugged me forever and I really felt like crying 😭😭 woke up being sad that it didn't happen for real cause he actually is like the greatest friend I've ever had.

I thought that crush I had on him was just a passing phase but... apparently not. too bad I'm too afraid to go visit him in person cause I'm so awkward 🙃
not to be morbid, but I was dreaming about death. it wasn't even scary. it was about me dying, and about how everything is going to be okay because there's something really great coming after. i can't remember the specifics, (I recall a cave, a big blue sky, and music), but I remember the feeling quite distinctly
I had multiple dreams last night about being kidnapped. I can't remember the specifics of any of them. But I thought it was weird because I don't recall ever having dreams of being kidnapped before, chased but never kidnapped, so it was odd to have a whole night of dreams with that recurring theme.
Last night I had a work nightmare. I was just doing simple tasks like prepping letters and envelopes for mailing, but I kept making mistakes and I was getting in trouble for them.
I had a freaky dream. I dreamt that I woke up today, and I opened my laptop and my screen was cracked. I was so upset, but then I was thinking to myself, wait, this is a dream, this isn't real. Then I actually eventually woke up and of course my laptop was fine.

I also dreamt that I got on the wrong bus and it took me like 1,000 miles away from where I was supposed to be getting off
One I had a few nights ago that a man was chasing my sister and I

This next one has been a re-occurring theme, someone invading my private safe space in a violent way and me being incapable of fighting back. Well I must have finally conquered somethin irl for this dream-

It was the SAME DAMN THING, people tryin to break into my house. This time it was a family, a mom, dad and their young daughter. In my dreams people or monsters always try to come in throu the front door.

Well this time I said I had enough, I was tired of people breaking in. As they were tryin to get in, I had my family near by the front door ready to defend. They were a bit scared but I wasn't. I hid in my parents room (their room irl and in this dream are near the front door) and called the cops, saying my house is being broken into. I gave them a bunch of details, what the people looked like, what their car that was parked in our drive way looked like, where my address was, ect... Within a few minutes they showed up and arrested the family tryin to break in. A cop was telling me that these people have been doing this for a long time and they haven't been able to catch them till now. Because this was a 'high stakes case' they asked me to testify in court so they could get the max prison sentence.

The dream cuts to me gettin out of my irl car in a multi story parking garage to the court house in Uptown (I call the area with the courthouses and fancy richy buildings Uptown). I was walking to the stairs to go down, talking to a girl who was a friend who came with me. I never saw her face and didn't hear what we were talking about, I assume it was about the court hearing, but we were both in a good mood.
I dreamt that I became a nun as a side-gig to earn some extra money. I'm not religious and I'm fairly certain that's not how any of that works.
I had a couple of dreams this morning.

1. I was buying a house from one of my co-workers. I don't remember any other details from this one.

2. I was one of many tiny fairy ornaments and there was something evil trying to hurt us. So whenever it came to the door, we all had to take cover in our packaging, but I was afraid of suffocating in the plastic wrap. We did a bunch of practice runs so that, whenever our attacker showed up, we would be ready. Finally, we were given the signal that this was the real deal and we dove into the packages. We had to stay there for what felt like a really long time and I thought I was going to run out of air, but just before I did we were given the signal that everything was safe so I was free to come out.

3. I was at my in-laws' house and my sister-in-law had brought her kids for a visit. I was really excited to see them but they were getting ready for bed. My sister-in-law said their dad was going to take them fishing in the morning so we'd only be able to see them the next day if we were there and ready before he got ready to go. But then, she wouldn't give me a time. She said it could be as early as 5am or as late as noon. My husband was saying there was no way he was waking up before 5am and I was pleading with him because I wanted to see the kids. Then, I was told that if I wanted to go fishing with them in the morning, I needed a tetanus shot first. So I was yelling at anybody and everybody to just give me the shot so I could go.

I don't know what caused the other dreams, but I know the last one stems from the fact that my in-laws never make plans. They just pop up with no warning, only staying for a short time, and expect us to drop everything if we want to see them. It drives me crazy.
Finally! Another dream that I can remember. Ok. In the dream, TBT was selling a romance novel for some reason. The story was ok at best, but a fire breathing snake was included with the purchase. I wasn't aware of this, so I freaked out when I saw it. I begged my mom to get rid of it, and she said, "That's what you get for always wanting the newest item." Then I woke up.
The night before last I can’t remember specifics, but I definitely dreamed about Camp Bell Tree. Wish I could remember more but I’m lucky if I even remember a snippet at all usually.
The only thing I remember from my dream is that some dude’s head exploded. Loooool.
I had a dream my sister died and I woke up crying (I was crying in my sleep I guess).
I dreamt that there was a youtuber that organized a Mario Kart event involving TBT members. The game used was Mario Kart DS where only eight can race at a time but oddly enough, there were 12 or even 14 racers at once which is way over what the DS can handle. The track we raced on was completely original meaning that it was never seen before. Though, the scenery gave me vibes from Wario's Gold Mine and that the track worked out in sectors (think of Mount Wario and Big Blue from MK8). The only members I recall seeing were -Lumi- and daringred_ but that's just about it. If you were curious as to where I finished, I landed in 11th place because Mario Kart can be brutal sometimes lol.

Funnily enough, daringred_ was my rival when it comes to Mario Kart during TBTWC. In the Camp Bell Tree event, we're in the same cabin!
Honestly it was crazy. So Jeremy accidentally gave me 1 million tbt and pmed me about it being a mistake, but I could keep the tbt since he saw my 2,000 tbt giveaway and thought I deserved it. So naturally, I bought all of my dream collectibles from all of my friends. I got a cool feather from @Kirbyz, a purple bat potion from @SpaceTokki77, a cobweb egg from @LittleMissPanda, a purple star fragment from @Roxxy, and a wix candy from @Midoriya, who was accidentally gifted every single collectible ever and didn't even want half of them. Then I decided to give the rest of it away like my 2,000 tbt giveaway. The giveaway lasted for one week until eventually I just gave it away to everyone evenly. Then Jeremy pmed me again and was very shocked about the giveaway because it nearly broke the server, so he bought a new one and made me an administrator despite me being 16, and he said that he doesn't care how old I was because he was very pleased with my kindness.
Is that my subconscious telling me I'll be a mod in the future? 🤔
I was at the Olympics for diving (I can’t dive at all and never have). I had been recruited by a mistake as someone somehow thought I was good at diving once for reasons not explained in my dream and I was put through?? I was in some kind of medley where I had to do some dives on the 3m springboard, 10m board and then I had to do a swimming relay with my crush. I didn’t actually do that badly in the 3m springboard, even though I still came last, but on the 10m I realised how high it was, freaked out and quit on the spot (my irl pe teacher was very upset with me). For some reason I still had to do the relay with my crush even though I’d already quit and tried to leave, I actually swam really fast and we would have been second to last but we were disqualified because I was meant to swim front crawl and backstroke and accidentally swam front crawl twice. the rest of my dream was me bragging to my friends about how I’d been at the Olympics and them being like “yea bestie but you sucked remember” over and over again
I dreamed it was the middle of winter, and my family found a leopard gecko in the house. Naturally, we couldn't just let it outside, because it was too cold for it (nevermind that leopard geckos aren't from around here anyway), so we decided we'd have to adopt it and my parents started trying to research how to care for leopard geckos. In the meantime, I was just standing around like, "okay, I caught this thing, I am still holding it, where do I put it until we get a terrarium??"
It was more of a nightmare than anything, last night.

Last night I had a dream that I was in a hotel with a few other people attending a convention. My mom was there, but it wasn't really my mom, it was Linda from Bob's Burgers and I called her "mama". The people in my hotel room were stealing from me and invited a lot of other people in; I embarrassed myself terribly in front of the actors/actresses that I went to see at this convention. I also for some strange reason had an urge to use the bathroom (not in real life) and I couldn't find a private place to go - people kept walking in on me and I couldn't find a functioning bathroom. I was so desperate to wake myself up, knowing I was having a nightmare, that I was breaking windows with my head causing myself to bleed (of course, not in real life), jumping out windows, throwing myself down the stairs, leaping into train tracks, etc. like "get me out! I want out!"

I don't know what dreams like that would mean. It was horrifying!
It was a very stupid dream, there was a bottomless hole and platforms that looked like those little irons we use to hit the balls of a pimball machine, I kept falling and sliding through them endlessly.
Pretty boring! 😒
had a dream where I was staying at this one floor office like building with a bunch of people and I had my dog w me, and I was asleep but I woke up to a message saying that because of extremely cold temps outside the waterline broke and the parking lot was flooding really bad so I had to go out and move my car to higher ground since the whole front end was underwater. so I moved it and then I got my bike and moved that too, asked someone if a particular spot was okay since the water seemed to be rising really quickly and she said yes just give it a few days to see if I should move it.

but all of a sudden the water level rose immediately and suddenly the whole building was full of water, I hurried up and swam out cause I was about to drown. but then I suddenly remembered my dog and thought that he would drown, and that was the moment I woke up bc the thought of losing him is devastating to me.

anyways yeah I woke up in a lot of pain still in my back so that's fun 😔
My dream is painful. I dreamed about all the toxic people that I cut out in my life coming back to haunt me. I heard their rude statements and I remember the torture that I had to go through. It was then I tried to reach out for help but then I remember that sentence that my teachers and parents used to say "Nobody wants to hear about your problems, just get over it and stop having an attitude" It was then that it was getting very worse. I was running away trying to escape the toxic statements and no matter where I go I see people making fun of me, calling me out, and of course making me feel worse. Felt like nobody was on my side.

Then finally the thing that woke me up was that an out of control car was coming towards me and then I screamed in the dream, which caused me to wake up yelling in real life. I was sweating and I was just horrified about what I just saw. This happened last week and to this day I have to wonder to myself "What did I do to deserve this?" Sorry if this got personal, but that is what my dream was recently.