What did you dream about?

I had a dream that my best friend got engaged to her boyfriend. I was really happy for her and now I'm wondering if this is a premonition....

Unfortunately for me, the second-half of the dream was having my dad invalidate my life choices.
I have weird dream. I dream my grandma pass away(she passed 10years more ago) and everyone take turn to say the last goodbye in the special mortuary and we are the last pair, me n my hub. Actually those body still got reflux even after dead coz i saw other room have corpse body also moving like some weak patient. Creepy...but nevermind we re otw walk to my grandma one which is the last room. Then i saw her laying down there and feel so sad. The weird part is she can talk but in the dream is not all weird coz is muscle reflux! Then i ask her question like did my mom ever love me? My grandma say yes but i argue back i say i never feel it before. But she keep telling me she did. She go around telling everyone so but i keep say i don think so. The whole thing is just me asking question like this and i keep think one day my mom die and have such reflux so i can safely have argument with her. But actually quite scary coz my grandma eyeball remain white n she even come down n walk to me but i keep going backward. Then i remember i saw my grandpa also but he didn't walk he jus lay there coz he was paralyse before his dead (not in the dream irl he coma before his time arrive) . Weird dream.
I dreamt that the staff had a ton of different collectibles for sale for dirt cheap (I got a sheep plush for 13 tbt lol) and my favorite new collectible was literally just a sock on the purple Halloween bg. they were also finally selling the toilet paper collectible. it was incredible.
This one's not as recent, but once I had a dream someone confessed to having a crush on me, face to face, and literally the first thing I did was go on Discord to tell people
And the first thing I did when I woke up was talk about my dream... On Discord.
I had yet another dream based on Majora’s Mask. This time it was about restarting the 3 day cycle to knock out a boss before it woke up. It saved me the effort of fighting it and I was able to take the mask to the Happy Mask salesmen in his house.
I don't remember any of my dreams from last night, but I will share something strange that happened the night before.

So, me and my dad had made plans on waking up really early (on Christmas 24th) at 6:30-7:00 in the morning to go to Walmart and eat at Huddle House together.

Well, when I went to slept the night before Christmas Eve, I had a dream that I woke up and realized that I overslept.
I legitimately that it was real until I woke up for real and heard my dad call for me. XDDDD

Why are false awakenings so strange.......?
I've been having dreams ranging from me being in an anime series to racing my car through a black hole with a leprechaun and Barney.

My dreams are basically every 1960s acid rock band's songs mashed together.
dude the other night i had a dream that i was being trained hardcore by a martial arts master in some dojo exactly like in the matrix and he was briefing me on this super important mission i needed to prepare for and then i woke up before i could carry it out
I wake up after each dream, so I remember most of them. This was from a few months ago, but is one of my favorites so I wanted to write it down.

I was a child in Berlin in 1945 while the war was still going on. I think my name was Hilde. I was living in an apartment with my family. One day I was sitting at the kitchen table and could hear bombs going off in the distance. Then the air raid siren went off. I knew I had to go down to the basement like always, but I was really tired of it and didn’t want to go. I looked around the room and noticed a small door in the wall that I could swear wasn’t there before. I thought maybe it was a small cupboard and I could hide from the bombs in there, so I opened the door. It wasn’t a cupboard though. Behind the door was a tunnel that seemed to stretch on forever. I went into the tunnel.

Eventually I ended up in this large colorful room that had lots of children’s toys and furniture. As soon as I got there, the tunnel closed up and the room didn’t appear to have any doors or a way out. There was another little girl in the room, but she was sitting in the corner facing the wall and she had very strange clothes on. I tried to talk to her, but she ignored me. Then I heard a voice that welcomed me and told me I was safe now. The voice told me that she saved children from horrible fates in war and now I didn’t have to worry about anything ever again. I tried asking her questions, but all she would say is that I was safe and she would take care of me.

The next day I was eating some soup that had been left in the room for me, and suddenly the other girl turned around and started talking. She told me her name was Lissie, and she was from the American Revolutionary war. She told me not to waste any of the soup because the witch (which is how she referred to the voice of the person who brought us here) would soon begin starving me to death. She said she was so hungry and hadn’t eaten for over 100 years. I was confused about how she was alive if she had been starved to death, but she explained that her spirit was forever trapped here by a spell that the witch put on the room. She told me that I needed to talk to the witch and make a deal. There was a way to escape, but I would only get one chance and then I too would be trapped here forever. I asked her how to escape and she told me to look up. I looked up and noticed that the walls on top half of the room were covered by multiple rows of cabinets. There were hundreds of them. She said that behind one of them was the way out. All the others contained puzzles or riddles that had to be correctly solved or else I would lose. Also I had to open the cabinets in the correct order or I would lose. I thought this would be impossible, but she assured me that she knew how to do it because she had watched other children escape. I asked why she was still here, and she got sad and said that she had made a mistake when she was almost at the end. The witch must’ve overheard us because then she asked me if I wanted to play a game with her. She said I had 3 days to escape and if I succeeded, she would let me go, but if I failed then I would have to stay with her forever. I agreed and then I climbed up to reach the cabinets. Lissie helped me with the order.

When I got close to the end, Lissie stopped helping. She began crying and said that she didn’t want me to leave. She didn’t want to be alone again. I also began crying and pleading with her to help me, saying that I didn’t want to die. She refused and went back to sitting in the corner and ignoring me, so I had to solve the last few cabinets myself. I got to the last one, and opened it. It was full of cans of food. I told Lissie that I found food and threw some cans down to her. She began crying and thanking me and apologizing for not helping more. I threw down all the food and behind it was a door like the one I had used to enter the room.

Then I heard the witch’s voice. She congratulated me for finding the exit, but asked if I was sure I wanted to leave. She said that my apartment was going to be destroyed in an air raid and me and my family would be killed. I thought she was trying to trick me into staying. She said that Germany would lose the war and even if I survived, my life would be miserable. Lissie encouraged me to leave and said she would be okay now that she had food. I stood there with my hand on the door, unsure if I wanted to stay or leave.
I had a very vivid dream last night. I was in an antique store shopping for my mom, but I was also reading a book of poetry and as I was reading each poem, corresponding imagery was being projected onto the wall of the store. It was a really cool dream and I wish I had been able to remember some of the poems, although they probably wouldn't have sounded as cool in real life as they did to my dream self.
One of my dreams from last night.
I saw a bunch of posts on reddit about how this government building should be burned to the ground and rebuilt as a goose sanctuary. There was a news article attached so I clicked on it. It was a story where some geese had laid their eggs inside the mailroom of this building but then workers chased the geese out and destroyed their eggs and nests. Now the geese were standing outside the building honking and upset because they wanted their babies. I watched a video someone took of the geese.
I dreamt that I was at this hotel building, which is weird because it felt like I was there before in a different dream.
This happened around 2 months ago. I had a dream where I was with my PoPo (Grandma in Chinese). Me and my family were with her and got ot be with her and play. If you did not know I have not left this neighborhood since march 2020. My parents go to get Kroger pick up but thats pretty much it. It was amazing and I cried when I woke up. Recently though after getting both vaccines my PARENTS LET ME AND MY BROTHER GO AND SEE HER. WE CRIED FOR LIKE 2 HOURSSSS. IT WAS AMAZING. FINALLY. Now we get to see her every single week just like the old times 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😊😊😊😊
I keep having a reoccurring dream where I get on the wrong bus and end up somewhere far away from where I need to be
I had a dream that my appt was at 8am today and I woke up at 10am (been waking up kinda late the last week even though I go to bed same time as always) so I was freaking out, then I woke up and realized my appt is at 8 and it's 6am lol. that dream was way too real 😆
Last night I had a dream that was basically an episode of Supernatural, only I was involved. I don't remember all the specifics, but Dean was upset at Sam for the methods he was using, sort of like season 4/5 of the show. For reference, that's as far as I've watched in the series but it's been a while since I've watched an episode. Not sure why it was in my dreams.
A nightmare woke me up about 2 hours ago.

The dream started off weird. It showed me a horror story. It was about a man that was killed by an old rural train station. That’s why at night he comes out at night seeking revenge. Not too scary.

After that the scene transitioned to me, my niece, a woman and a man getting out of a black car at night. The man had a gun and he left with the woman. I think that the woman was going to distract him while my niece and I ran away. At some point, we found another car to hide behind. However, we heard a few bangs and footsteps running towards our direction. I told my niece to keep running while I distracted the person.

My niece didn’t want to go because she was scared, so I had to give her some tough love. It seemed to have worked because we both ran in different directions.

After that, the dream transitioned to a campus parking lot at daytime. Again, I was running for my life because there was an active shooter on the loose. Only this time I didn’t have my glasses on and everything looked somewhat blurry. My eldest sister whizzed by so I started running after her. I woke up after that.
Most of my dreams lately have been being at work and working. Since I'm pregnant and peeing a lot more often lol; I woke up early early morning to my bladder and groggily made my way to the restroom and told myself it's okay there's a bit more time before rounds are completed lol...until I realized I wasn't at work.
The hospitals are just so busy right now and it's really been a lot the past couple weeks. I do my best not to take work home with me mentally...but obviously my dreams have other plans right now.