What did you dream about?

i don't normally nap during the day but i've been under the weather (going on week 2 or 3 now i think 😢 ) i ended up dozing off and had a dream that i was out grocery shopping! everything felt so real and nothing was out of place so it felt really weird waking up trying to think if i actually just went shopping or not LOL
Well, I hate sounding weird, but...

I occasionally have dreams that I'm physically existing on my NH island. I can actually communicate with my villagers, and I do plenty of fun friend-like things with them later on. It's like I'm putting together a movie script in my head - I wake up in my house, suddenly realizing that the room looks entirely different. Walking outside, Bob greets me, and I freak out because this isn't real life. The villagers become confused by my actions, and I try to tell them that I'm not the player character. Eventually, I have long talks with some of my bestie villagers (Bob, Dotty, Lopez, Cherry, Tom...), and begin to like this life. We all group hug in the end, and everything's gone extraordinarily well.

...and then I wake up at 5 AM because I've got to go to work and suffer reality. Yeah, I don't think I feel well mentally.
This has to be one of the stupidest dreams I've ever had. Like, ever.

So I was just in Geometry class, like anyone would be. Besides the fact that people that aren't in my geometry class were there, and I was sitting in a different spot, everything was normal. Then I saw that there were two gray clouds outside that cyclones were coming out of. So I decided to get up and look closer, and then I saw that there was literally just a student outside spinning around and just became a tornado. He wasn't even spinning, there was just a tornado being made around him. Bro was trying to use spinjitzu in real life. Or, dream life, whatever. Then we all went into a lockdown like we do during lockdown drills. Instead of just leaving the school even though the tornado was the same size as the person, except a little taller. Then he just turned back to normal and went into class and I just woke up. I don't get why not a single part, a single brain cell, told me anything was wrong with this. There was a small part of the back of my mind that said “hey, this doesn't really sense”, but it wasn't enough to convince me that it really doesn't make any sense in the slightest. When I woke up, I pondered, and said “hey, this really doesn't make sense after all”.
This has to be one of the stupidest dreams I've ever had. Like, ever.

So I was just in Geometry class, like anyone would be. Besides the fact that people that aren't in my geometry class were there, and I was sitting in a different spot, everything was normal. Then I saw that there were two gray clouds outside that cyclones were coming out of. So I decided to get up and look closer, and then I saw that there was literally just a student outside spinning around and just became a tornado. He wasn't even spinning, there was just a tornado being made around him. Bro was trying to use spinjitzu in real life. Or, dream life, whatever. Then we all went into a lockdown like we do during lockdown drills. Instead of just leaving the school even though the tornado was the same size as the person, except a little taller. Then he just turned back to normal and went into class and I just woke up. I don't get why not a single part, a single brain cell, told me anything was wrong with this. There was a small part of the back of my mind that said “hey, this doesn't really sense”, but it wasn't enough to convince me that it really doesn't make any sense in the slightest. When I woke up, I pondered, and said “hey, this really doesn't make sense after all”.
Lol welcome to the weird tornado dream club. I once had a dream that I was in middle school and a yellow tornado with a blue Marilyn Monroe face (like one of Andy Warhol's pop art prints) on it was outside.
sooo many dreams lately involving me waking up hours late for work. had one saturday night to sunday morning and i jumped out of bed unsure of the time and date😐 i dreamt i woke up at 1pm on a work day, luckily it was 9am on sunday but idk why my brain does this to me
I went to a restaurant that was supposed to be this restaurant my family goes to sometimes irl but I don’t like most of their food. There was another room that was like a combination of a shop and buffet that had seafood and pasta :9
I think I was at a hotel first and then was at this place where there were all these things where you could sit in these seats and watch a movie and your seats would move with the movie and rotate at an angle and sometimes even go upside down. People seemed to be pressuring me into going on one of these little movie rides but I refused to unless I knew that the ride wouldn’t tilt me too far. I found one that explicitly labeled that it only tilted you up to 50% and I was like ok, good. I won’t go any higher than that and I went on the ride. Later, it became apparent that I had been vacationing in Florida and this was my last day. I was all sad thinking about I would miss the palm trees. But I hadn’t seen very many. I got in a car with this woman and she drove me around but it was in an area with no palm trees, just barren late fall/winter trees like around here, but we were driving on a road over a swamp. I was just thinking about how scary it would be if we fell in the swamp and then we fell in the swamp but then the swamp was driveable like a road. Then I ended up in a series of stone rooms that had ancient(?) artefacts in them like a miniature pillar less than a foot long. The area lowkey looked like something that would be in an indiana jones movie but it was like a museum where lots of tourists went.
I dreamt that I was being attacked and I killed the guy by throwing a Barbie doll at him. It hit the guy and he just fell off a cliff or something. I was just standing thinking “Huh. I just killed a guy with a doll. Now what?” I then woke up.
I was going to some school and taking a drumming class against my will taught by my preschool teacher. Nice lady, boring subject I never want to do again.
Dreamt that I was learning how to cook rice. Too bad that I didn’t see the conclusion.
Oh, me again.

Two nights in a row I have dreamed about babysitting at night in a dark room, and a howling stray cat by the entrance. It wouldn’t leave when I would approach the door. It would just keep looking to the right and hissing.
i pretty explicitly remember right before my alarm woke me up i was watching a playthrough of a 16 or 32 bit game where you make some kind of drink with some coffee colored stuff that wasn’t chocolate, i forget what it was called, allegrato or something like that. there was a stereotypical lunch lady in a hairnet behind a counter. then you would find out if you got it right or not. the player got it right several times and right before i woke up they used chocolate instead and i heard the “wrong” sound effect pretty vividly with an x over the drink.
a lot of things but i think the best part was when i met a girl who was basically the human version of my vent fursona told me that i have fashion potential or something…it’s weird ‘cause she’s like a representation of some of my insecurities. she do be stylish though 6u6b
I've been having very real feeling slice of life dreams the past few nights. But last night was, sad. An old man greeter at Walmart was bawling and trying to send everyone away because a group came through and stole EVERYTHING in the store. He was so sad for a few reasons. 1. He didn't like sending everyone away as they had needs. Yet he did for their safety and the fact there wasn't anything there for anyone. 2. It was one less resource for the community. Most may think just drive to another location, but for the low income, disability, and elderly that isn't always easy or realistic. 3. He was distraught that anyone would be this selfish to do this.
This whole thing broke his heart.
The guilty was still on the property and not in a rush to leave and a woman was hit by their car.
i was at my granny’s house and instead of one bathroom she had two but neither looked like her real bathroom. this was a huge relief incase i ever had a stomachache there, i thought.

there was also 2 or 3 other people my age there and we were all part of some tutor program and there was a room that doesn’t really exist.

then there were all these sweets that i kept eating, and i had to restrain myself so i could save some for the others and also prevent a stomachache.

why do i have to worry about sharing and stomachaches in my dream? booo…
i had a micro dream this morning where i was hired to clean a giant fish tank in a store front, it was filthy.

no idea if that micro dream is apart of the next dream im about to describe but afterwards i had a strange dream that i was in terrible pain and went to the hospital. the doctor's voice there had a thick spanish accent and that kind of sounded like de la cruz from coco, he said something like "you have two options, you can either die or come with me. i know what i'm talking about because i'm a doctor." of course i chose the second option, and he took me to a convention center.. filled with other doctors?? they weren't studying me or anything, he just wanted me to come with him for some reason.
he took me to a convention center.. filled with other doctors?? they weren't studying me or anything, he just wanted me to come with him for some reason.
I've been to cons, I get it: sometimes you just need that extra person with you to go with your cosplay, you know? 😅
  • i almost became a princess…or someone did idk
  • i had this book (not about farmers this time, surprisingly!) that i had to read for school and i read most of but kept putting off the work. my work was long overdue and i had forgotten everything about the book and she kept giving me extensions. i was like oooooh i hope cliff’s notes will do the trick QmQ
  • dale gribble’s name was vern. and he had a board game about him that we had somewhere in the basement but i couldn’t find it
  • then i went to this college class with my bf and we played this weird fishing game and then we were supposed to draw but for some reason i couldn’t do anything right (me screwing up even the simplest things is becoming a theme in my dreams)