What did you dream about?

something where you could take additional years of high school and there was an exchange trip offered to Germany where you’d visit this mountain thingy in a rainforest (I saw a picture of it and it looked more like something you’d see in Africa) anyway, so I could have taken a second German exchange trip, except it was only available for people who had taken German last year and I had taken it the year before last but not that last year.
I had a short snooze button dream that I was in the passenger seat of a car and the driver was driving past this area. A huge skyscraper or two was being built and then we passed some buildings with Japanese text on them and I thought that was Japan or something idk. Then I saw a weird roller coaster road that was tossing around cars like a ragdoll (thankfully we weren't on it) and then I realized that made no sense and looked at my hand and my thumb kinda looked like a dinosaur so I became lucid and I imagined a googly eye on it and jumped out of the car to go explore but then my alarm woke me up. There was another one too but I was at home and wearing a shirt very similar to this.
