• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What did you dream about?

I had a dream I walked into an English class and for one of the examples (I think for persuasion) the Professor put on an episode of Very Delta. He also gave out t-shirts (the official podcast merch). It was such a fun class lol.
It was… strange.

In the dream, I had a near death experience somehow, and then my soul went to an afterlife and this guy there told me that they have folders containing secret information of every human on Earth, and you’re only allowed to see what’s in your folder if you have another near death experience. But if you have another near death experience, then you’ll actually die and also go to hell (????). I was naturally curious as to what could be in there that’s so top secret, but I didn’t want to die for real, so I just gave up. And then I woke up so I’ll never know what’s in the folder.

Just imagining how hilarious this will be if someone reads this out of context. 😂
I had a short lucid dream. I was in the backyard and saw a person in a motorized recliner cruising through the sky. I thought this is like something out of my dreams, but rea-Nope nope, even though I think it’s real, I need to count my fingers… I had 10 fingers on one hand and one of them had a painted nail that colored with a little flower and rhinestone on it. Anyway, I slow danced in the backyard with my bf around the golden hour which was really nice. 💕

In an earlier, non-lucid dream, I remembered that my family’s house had two extra rooms that were barely used! I just had a bunch of storage in one, mainly a bunch of Easter decorations. Apparently that room got really hot during the daytime, even when you blocked out the windows. Also, these two rooms had no ceiling, there was a flimsy canvas tarp and a view straight up into the dusty old attic.
It was… strange.

In the dream, I had a near death experience somehow, and then my soul went to an afterlife and this guy there told me that they have folders containing secret information of every human on Earth, and you’re only allowed to see what’s in your folder if you have another near death experience. But if you have another near death experience, then you’ll actually die and also go to hell (????). I was naturally curious as to what could be in there that’s so top secret, but I didn’t want to die for real, so I just gave up. And then I woke up so I’ll never know what’s in the folder.

Just imagining how hilarious this will be if someone reads this out of context. 😂
He was bluffing. It was his first day on the job and he wanted to make it sound like he knew what he was doing, but couldn't figure out the combination to open the cabinet! lol
I don't really remember all of my dreams either because nothing happens in them or they were too short or mundane to have an impact on me, but I remember this dream I had as a kid where I was exploring some kind of clock tower or something and I remember at some point these really freaky and loud noises were behind me and the gears in the clock tower starting turning faster and faster as the noises got louder and louder until i woke up. I have no idea what my brain was trying to tell me or what it signifys but it was one of the weirdest nightmares I've had and I still remember it.
I took a nap and had a dream that I was watching some random youtube video with this girl who was using this Russian product and I asked what it was in the comments and then this other random person started texting me about it and we had a lengthy discussion about it (it was some sort of skincare thing). Then I was in a store, then I tried to get on a bus, but got kicked out because I tried to walk on when people were still walking off, then in some weird area where I was playing weird games with a big group of people that involved guessing which piece of furniture was the correct answer to the host’s question, then I got on another bus and was sitting with this boy I went to school with from grades K-12 who I was kinda friends with IRL for a bit, we were going across some nice landscapes then I saw what I thought was a tornado in the distance and didn’t really feel scared or threatened and then I counted my fingers and realized I was in a dream, so from then on it was lucid! I couldn’t really manifest anything so I just told him “we’re in a dream!” And shouted a bunch of silly stuff and sung excitedly because I could be as obnoxious as I wanted! looked out the window as we passed an airport runway, parks, and a pond. When we passed this pond some people were fishing and there were lots of flags of different countries (they weren’t all real flags, the only real one I remember was probably Romania) and there was a woman with a Brazilian flag T-shirt and some green and yellow streamers hanging from a tree. I tried calling out as many flags as I saw, then it was more of a tent area with flags, then I was floating in the air, then I jumped into this rectangular, raised pool of water face down for some reason, then most if not all of the air got sucked out and I woke up.
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I had a dream that I was back in high school. I was the "current" me, but going into 7th grade. There were a lot of my old friends and classmates in my grade, even though I hadn't befriended them until later on IRL. I don't remember anything else at this point except feeling alone, which is usually the basis of my school dreams. T^T

In the second dream, I was playing guitar and I learned an entire song in an hour. I got so excited about how well I was playing, I recorded it and sent it to one of my friends. Looking back at it, I was playing the song's basslines on a guitar instead of the riffs/solo...