What do u do on AC first

If I have mail, I check it first. Otherwise, I look for the money rock, go to Nook's, or look for fossils... Depends on the day, I guess...
i check the mail, go to nooks, able, and then i check if someone have their gate open :p
if not i just walk around, getting some money :O
ipodawesum said:
check ables...its right next to me and i need a new face accessory
Cool, ur lucky its close

my house if pretty far from Ables and Nook.
Just my garden and the beach are close
I check my mail, go to nooks, admire my house, look for open gates, realize no gates are open, open my gate, wait 30 minutes but nobody still shows up, closes gate.
i cheek mail or i go to the shop because its right next to me or the able sisters to look what is new :).
Other, unless of course i have mail
If not i will imediatly sell any forign fruit that has grown, i tend to get some every day
depends...if i got mail mail first if dont i go and get money from the rocks :p