What do you collect?

I have collected a lot of things in the past and I still do to this day! One of the first things I collected and still have the collection of is my Pokemon cards!! I have so many this collection started by my older brother giving me his cards then it expanded from there. I do not collect pokemon cards anymore but I still have my collection. At the moment I collect pop figures and amiibo figurines/cards! Since I have got back into animal crossing new leaf it is mainly the cards I am collecting. However due to me playing Zelda breath of the wild I have all of my aminos for that game and many more for games like mario, splatoon etc and that collection will grow more once I get some more money... hopefully soon!
Video games, consoles, coins, cards, Funko, plushes, amiibos, movies, books, bottles, fossils, rocks/gemstones, and knives. Those are the only things that I actively collect. I've amassed amounts of other things over time without realizing it.
I collect keychains. Cute keychains are the death of me, because i usually end up with a minimum of 4 hanging off my phone, and a maximum of 11. I had to drop it down to 2 at a time because the weight of so many was bending my phone case, but I still buy them as often as I can.
I have a fair comic collection, mostly from the 70s and 80s, which was when I liked to read them, although I do have a few going back to the 50s and 60s.

I used to collect teacups and saucers, so I have a nice collection of mismatched pieces. It looks pretty on a table, having all the different colors.

I have a lot of old books, both that I inherited and collected myself. My favorite is my collection of Alice in Wonderland books. Some of them are quite old, and it's fun to see the different illustrations.

I have some amiibo, mainly the AC ones. I don't think I'll get others. I also have started a collection of polyhedral dice. I don't play D&D, but they're pretty.

I've also started collecting Funko Pop! figurines. It started with the Beauty and the Beast set (animated version), then the Sleeping Beauty set, Mister Rogers, and a few Dr. Seuss.

Oh, and then there's my yarn stash. But we don't talk about that. ;)
I like collecting things based around my favorite franchises, like Super Mario, Star Trek, Coca-Cola, and the like. Pretty much anything that has to do with a franchise I like (like blankets, clothes, figurines, cups, etc.) I just absolutely love it and have to get it ^^

I also really like collecting little toy/model Volkswagens (I have about 10 right now), tie blankets, lava lamps, stuffed animals, and even NES and N64 games/accessories.
i collect clowns :lemon:
Whenever I was a wee little lass I had like a billion webkinz. And since I never cleaned my room, they were just SCATTERED EVERYWHERE. It annoyed the heck out of my mom but I thought it was some kind of animal paradise.

Now I collect Splatoon amiibos and I hope to collect AC amiibos. I'm only missing the inkling re-releases and I'm hyped as heck for those octo expansion amiibos!
Prob really random but since my family is from Peru I cannot leave without buying a llama "stuffed animal" made out of real llama fur.
And even my relatives send me them I have at least 30..... now.. Also what I found really sweet before my grandpa passed he got me one it was so nice of him and its my favorite one.
Funny Mugs. I've been collecting them for a while now and recently started making them as a hobby as well. I bought a Worlds Okayest Dad mug for Fathers Day.
I guess the closest I've come to collecting anything is amiibo, but I have no interest in ones I don't like. Including the 5 cards I have, I think I'm at about 78 now?
I like collecting little figurines, and I also enjoy collecting little stones and shells from the beach.
Sharks! If something is somehow related to sharks, I'll most likely want it. So far I have a few plushies and figures and a few other things. Now I just need a shirt.
Marvel movies, comic books, and various plushies. I collect comics from Marvel, DC, and anything TMNT related. My most prized comic is my limited, collector's edition of The Death of Wolverine, which has never been opened.

I'd love to collect snowglobes or some useless pretty **** like that but I'm broke haha maybe one day
I like to connect magnets. I have no idea why, but I can sit there for hours connecting them, pulling them apart, watching them push and pull each other. Fascinating.
I've collected many different things over the years, but I guess right now I mainly collect Hello Kitty merchandise and Blythe dolls. I've been collecting Hello Kitty merchandise seriously since I was 12, so my collection is pretty massive. I own 25 Blythe dolls, which I'm pretty proud of, considering how expensive they are.

I also tend to buy a ton of anime merch whenever I go to cons. I usually buy items related to Sailor Moon or Levi from Attack on Titan.
I collect Build-a-Bears and old style Beanie Babies. You can find them in thrift stores pretty easily, especially the Beanie Babies.