What do you do more: fart or burp?


  • burp

    Votes: 40 32.5%
  • fart

    Votes: 83 67.5%

  • Total voters
I'd say I burp less. I even drink carbonated drinks all of the time and still don't really have many problems.

Either way, I'm able to control it all in public. I don't really understand why people have problems with this, but I guess maybe their bodies are different.
I fart a lot, but I rarely ever burp. And I drink more burpy things than I eat farty things. So idk what's wrong with me.
W-w-what k-kind of vulgar thread is th-this? Mods, come in here and lock it up! These people are making me uncomfortable!!!

Just kidding, I'm not "that" kind of person, ha!

Anyhow, I think more air escapes out of my rear than it does my mouth. Judging by the poll, it seems to be the case for most users here as well (there's probably some scientific explanation for it, but I haven't bothered to look it up yet).
I usually burp a lot after I eat/drink (thankfully my fiance is more inclined to have competitions with me than be grossed out haha)
What even is this thread....? 0-0

The replies are....interesting
Although I will admit I do burp a bit more because I drink lots of carbonated or sparking water but it's generally very weak though.
definitely burp lol. I often do this weird throat burp where I dont even open my mouth to burp, kind of like a hiccup (can't really describe it lol)
It's definitely coming out my back end more times than not 🤣
Certain foods and wine will really make me gassy. I do take a probiotic also so I don't know if that contributes to anything.

this thread is great.
I have never burped in my life despite drinking sodas. I don't even know how people do it. Not that I really want to burp so I guess that's a good thing.
I don't know how to burp. People have explained it several times but I just can't voluntarily burp...and involuntarily I've probably only a handful of times.

So, I guess farting wins. :giggle::sneaky:
I don't really do either, but I changed my drinking habits so I didn't burp in months. So the other wins, but my meals are pretty tame too I guess. 😅
I hate talking about my bodily functions, so this answer will stay in a spoiler where it belongs.
I am a complete gasbag. Every single food I eat makes me fart. The dish doesn’t matter. Whether it’s lettuce or cheese, my stomach hates it all. I’ve gotten so used to holding in gas that I often forget it’s there. What’s worse is that it runs in my family. My mom, uncle, and grandpa all have the same problem. Our family’s digestive issues have become so infamous that my aunt created a term for it.

I only burp if I ate too quickly or had something carbonated.