What do you dream/have nightmares about?


Jul 17, 2013
Green Balloon
Green Feather
Green Heart Balloon
Green Feather
Green Balloon
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Just asking, because for some strange reason I was sleeping past noon today, and had a very, very weird dream (I wouldn?t even consider it a nightmare) that Sun Wukong at the end of RWBY volume five got defeated by a guy named Gravity Man. He literally made Sun?s body get cut in half and Sun kind of just fell over and died (I thought it was pretty hilarious). I actually wanted to tweet RoosterTeeth in Austin this, or one of the show?s producers, but they would either a. Actually animate it and send a funny video back to me, or b. Wonder what the heck I?m talking about. LOL.

Anyways, I don?t usually have dreams or nightmares anymore, and haven?t for awhile. I usually just sleep, everything goes black, and then I wake up (and it feels immediate too).

Do you have any dreams or nightmares still, or have had them recently, and what are they about?
I have nightmares pretty frequently which mostly stem from my anxiety. 99% of them revolve around me being stalked, kidnapped, or held hostage, but the odd one out focuses on my boyfriend being hurt/killed or something absurd like me being hunted by dinosaurs. I can't really remember good dreams well, but I know I have them occasionally.
My most common dreams involve school. They're usually bad dreams, but not always. I graduated last year so whenever I dream about it, I feel so weird and out of place, because even in my dream I KNOW I've graduated, yet for some strange reason I keep waking up and attending classes I don't need to.
i've got,,, the worst dreams hahah i'm always dreaming abt being murdered or kidnapped or something just SPOOKY
a lot of times my dreams leave me waking up with a horrible headache too. i don't get normal, lovey dreams ever )':
My dreams are always pretty different but I think that there is always some kind of 'action'. Mostly me and another person running away or trying to get something. They always take place in a different setting with different people. i have more dreams than nightmares.

This one nightmare I had consisted of me and someone else escaping from our kidnapper from a cabin in the woods. We tried to climb out of this ditch as we saw him chasing us.
I wouldn't call them nightmares but I do have recurring bad dreams. I usually dream that I really need to pee, but instead of not being able to find any bathrooms, I find them everywhere, but they're unusable. Like they won't have a door, or the toilet is absolutely disgusting and overflowing. So I can't ever go.
I haven't had these as much, but I'll still have dreams that I'm back in high school and I can't remember what my next class is, I just blank and can't find my class schedule. So I wander around hoping I'll remember where I'm supposed to go.
I also have lots of dreams about being chased by bugs, like giant spiders or flying insects. They're always super agressive and will chase me and I have to find somewhere to hide.
Sometimes my dreams are bad (last night I dreamed about a bombing at my sister's school, for example) and sometimes they just make no sense (once I dreamed that I was standing on top of a tall building, then I snapped my fingers and suddenly a plane started flying towards the building. I jumped off the building to avoid getting hit by the plane, fell unconscious, and then woke up in Paris and went to a hotel to see my teacher who was a gardener at the hotel??)
I barely dream & if I do they're pretty weird lmfao or something about my family but i always have mom with me in my dreams for some reason LOL
I can't really say what my dreams are most often about since there are all kinds of wacky things every time. They tend to be very different each time too.

It seems like deep water and drowning are reoccurring themes in my nightmares though. Since I'm quite afraid of deep natural waters, it often also translates into nightmares.
i had a nightmare about that one scene from into the abyss

yall know what im talking about

this is why i stopped watching anime
i've been having a lot of dreams about walking around in empty neighborhoods for some reason
I attempt to keep a dream journal, which apparently makes your dreams easier to remember. I recommend it to anyone who's interested.
My dreams often take place in worlds from movies or TV shows I've watched. Especially if it's something I really like and just finished. Not to say it's really cool, because they actually have a darker tone most of the time.
Also, there will be a lot of dreams where I'm hanging out with my friends somewhere. But something will usually be a bit off, like someone will be wearing something they would never wear in real life, or someone will be to happy or aggressive.
I've always wanted to have a lucid dream, but I've never been able to achieve it, but one time I had a dream were I was lucid dreaming, but, I wasn't actually lucid dreaming :/
I rarely have nightmares. I actually can only remember one that really affected me, to the point I had to turn on lights and walk around. In it, I found this website where people live-streamed themselves violently harming themselves, and I couldn't stop watching it. I won't get to far into it, as it may be to much for some reading this, but yeah, that really got to me for the rest of the day.
My dreams are really vivid lots of mechanical and religious imagery. Nightmares are usually the same Ill remember im dreaming and then i sense a presence and i run in the night sometimes it gets me sometimes it doesnt. Awful feeling. Either way i always wake up in a cold sweat
So as for nightmares, I usually get the same re-occurring dream in a sense. It's always the same premise, but different locations. Usually, there are giant monsters (I only say monsters because they take different forms every time, but always giant beings) and they hunt humans. My sisters and I seem to be the only ones around and basically I spend my time trying to hide the whole time I am in this nightmare. That's all it is. Nothing ever happens, like I don't get eaten, or killed, it's just I spend my time hiding. That's the whole dream.

I did have a nightmare one time that I was in a doctors office waiting room, and someone ran into the office and started shooting at things around the room and then eventually me in the chest. I remember feeling the actual pain and burning sensation. It was so weird. I was the only one that the gun was turned on... Totally messed with me for a while.
My dreams take place in supermarkets about 99% of the time, and a lot of the times I end up seeing people who have hurt me in the past. Some of my better dreams are about buying weird things in the supermarkets, usually stuff I wish I could buy IRL.
I have nightmares often when I'm feeling really anxious and they tend to involve me being abandoned somehow. Most of the time I'll have some sort of health problem or I'll need to go to the hospital for some reason but whoever I'm with will just ditch me without getting me help, or I'll be hanging out with friends and someone will come to murder us and they'll all leave me behind. I've been having ones like that a lot lately.

When I have good dreams they're always really vivid and nice, though. In the last one I can remember I was sitting on a porch with some girl and we were watching the rain together. It was cool outside but we were wrapped up in a blanket and we were listening to a record that was playing from inside her room. We could hear thunder off in the distance, too. Everything about it felt so real so I was kind of bummed when I woke up and realized it wasn't haha.
I often have dreams about what was really on my mind that day.

Like a few days ago, I was sobbing about how I have no friends who are close to me, and that night I had a dream that I was on some kind of field trip and I made a really close friend and we did everything together, it was so awesome.

Then the next day I told my mom I wish we still had our pool, so that night I had a dream that we went to a pool and it was really awesome and I had a fun time.

Sometimes if I think about videogames a lot then I dream about them too. It's kinda weird but also really cool.
I dream about my highschool / best friend a lot. She ignored and neglected me in my final years and I spiralled into a deep depression. It's been about 8 years now, so the dreams come and go and it's always painful to wake up from.