What do you dream/have nightmares about?

I don't usually have recurring nightmares and doesn't seem like there's a theme to it...unless I don't remember. I do get night terrors and sleep paralysis at times though.
I have a lot of dreams where my cats go missing and I can't find them anywhere, it's scary but then I wake up and they're there. I also often dream about getting on the wrong bus, going the wrong way somewhere, etc and not being able to get back to where I need to be.

Sometimes I have dreams that my mom is still alive which is good or I have nightmares about her death (she died from Leukemia and deteriorated fast, within 9 months of being diagnosed she died) there were a lot of ICU visits and stuff where she was on a ventilator and it was a scary time so I imagine that kind of burned into my memory which is why I dream about it a lot.

As for good dreams, I have a lot of videogame related dreams. Those are always fun. Either of me playing games, or being in a game, or just seeing the world of whatever game happens to be on my mind that ends up in my dream. Last night it was. Stardew Valley because I have been playing it so much the past week. Recently I had a dream I was in Pokemon Legends Arceus and an alpha Pokemon was chasing me/attacking 😂
my mom marrying my dad again and being stuck with him forever. which is weird since im older now, so if that were to happen... I could leave but in my dreams it's like I'm a child in an adults body and I have to do what he says
Been having nightmares about Doctors who keep saying "Do Better' and then the worse one "You keep on doing this to yourself you'll never survive" (sigh) I really need to stop thinking so negativity because after what happened to me the last 2 months I really have to try so hard not to end up back there again and of course trying to keep my health in good condition.
my dreams have always been weird as **** tbh, and the plots of them never make much sense lol. they usually consist of things like my parents, current and former pets, my favourite fictional characters, franchises i enjoy (i’ve even had a couple new horizons dreams lol), etc. the dream that stands out the most to me is this recurrent one i had when i was younger, and even once a few years ago. the premise is usually that i have to create an entire musical album (with 10 or so songs, i believe) to appease some sort of creature within a certain time frame. i’m not sure what happens if i don’t make it in time as i always wake up before i reach that point, but the creature and the dream’s entire atmosphere has this sense of terror lingering over it, so i’m pretty sure whatever the punishment is isn’t pleasant lol. i don’t wake up afraid though, so i’ve never considered it a nightmare. i’m not sure what it means or why i’ve dreamt it more than once, though. in recent months, i’ve had dreams about my grandmother coming back from the dead (either because the coroner made a mistake, or she outright rose from the dead), exploring this weird toy store x circus-looking place, etc. i’ve also had dreams in the past about being pregnant (i always wake up before birth, though), running away from home, dying, getting lost in places, and more. the last new horizons dream i had i believe was the one where my save data was corrupted somehow. i woke up feeling so dejected and panicked like my data was actually gone, and i was relieved to realize that it wasn’t. 😆

my nightmares are just as weird, but they of course have this threatening and “i’m in danger” vibe to them. the nightmare that scared me the most when i was a kid was the one where i was running around this colourful school environment, trying to avoid the people with glowing red eyes as they were evil. the people i ran into were a combination of fictional characters and people i knew irl (ex. friends and family members), and i remember this girl who talked to me at school a lot and my grandmother were two of the people who had red eyes. i believe one of them started turning evil while i was talking to them, and i remember that scaring the **** out of me lol. i was also miley stewart from hannah montana in the nightmare instead of my usual self for some reason, and i was accompanied by her best friend in the show, lilly truscott. 🤣 some of the other nightmares i’ve had have been about getting into an argument with my parents and them then yelling and losing their minds at me (yelling/screaming causes me a lot of anxiety and panic irl, so i’m not surprised that i have nightmares about it lol), creepypasta characters, and other stuff that i find disturbing.

my dreams are usually quite interesting for me to experience and think back on (provided i actually remember them lol), but my nightmares aren’t very fun. my favourite kinds of dreams are the ones where i wake up before they’re over or reach a part i’m satisfied with, and i’m able to continue them by going back to sleep. i also had a lucid dream when i was younger where i was aware i was dreaming and was able to control everything that happened, and i enjoyed that as well.
Some other recurring themes in my dreams:

False Awakenings
Sometimes I actually have dreams about...waking up. But the thing is, I don't actually wake up. I heard false awakenings can also be linked to sleep paralysis, which I believe has happened to me before.

Noises in my dreams that are actually happening
Most of the time, the noises in my dreams are not actually happening. However, occasionally, they actually DO happen.

. . .

Back in November 2022, I actually experienced both of these in the same dream. It was the night before I was supposed to wake up to run some errands with my dad (buying sodas, Pizza Hut, and Wendy's). But I overslept. However, I had a dream that I woke up to him calling me (prolly one of the most real-feeling dreams I ever had) and found some clothes to wear while out. Little did I know, it was just a dream, a false awakening. When I woke up for real, I thought my dad was still here and there was still time to get ready. My dad said 11:30AM, and it was 11:26AM according to my XBOX. So, I did. I woke up and got ready to go out with my dad. I sat around for a few minutes before realizing he left without me. So, that kinda sucked, lol, but at least I had a good lunch. ^_^

I am usually a light sleeper. I wake up to the slightest noises and light changes, as I mentioned a few days ago in a sleep-related topic I made. But my brain had other plans that day. It decided that it would instead TRICK me instead of actually waking me up, lol.

Then back in December 2021, the opposite happened. I went out with my dad to eat at Huddle House and to go to the store for gift cards and Christmas cards. I dreamed that I over-slept, but thankfully in reality, I woke up on time.

Dreams can be really weird... :ppp
A non-Exhaustive list:
  • Finding new places in familiar places. I once had a dream where there was an old dilapidated bathroom hiding behind the bathroom in my house, another where there was an extra door on my house that lead to the staircase downstairs, and that my high school had a whole other section to it. I love these dreams!
  • Going to my Granny’s house/town. It takes a while to get there irl but sometimes in the dreams it feels like my family travels through a wormhole or something.
  • It’s been a while but I’ve had a lot of airplane and airport dreams. Sometimes the planes are flying, sometimes they’re driving down the road. One time a pilot drove a plane down my street and let me off in my bedroom and dumped my luggage on my bed. Every plane also has something wrong with it or something wrong happen with it too. One time I had to evacuate from one plane to another via a super long ladder while they were still flying above the clouds and it was drizzling.
  • Road trips/being in a car in general. Sometimes my family and I go to different states, usually out west.
  • If I’m unlucky, I’ll have a nightmare where creepy crawlies are loose in my house or worse or on my skin.
  • A lot of dreams involve my neighborhood/town/nearby town. Sometimes weirdly random and specific buildings show up. There’s one building I’ve seen in multiple dreams that I was aware existed before I started dreaming about it, but it’s still not very noticeable irl. The other one I didn’t even realize existed until recently even though I’ve been by it probably thousands of times and maybe even my whole life. The subconscious is so weird…why that building in particular?
  • I’m in a play that’s coming up soon (sometimes the day of!) and I didn’t attend any rehearsals so I don’t know my lines…one time it was just one line but it was a tongue twister in Old English! DX
  • Going back to school…weirdly it’s usually elementary school and 5th grade???
  • Being assigned a really boring book for English class and forgetting about it and dreading reading it
  • Completely forgetting to go to a math class for a while…and there’s a test coming up
Also, it’s fun to look at how many countries I’ve been to in my dream. Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Vatican City, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Japan, North Korea, and more!! Plus a few countries that don’t even exist like one called Runsure (near Botswana I think) and another that split off from Russia and had very green grass. Oh, and I’ve been to the North Pole and Mars at least once!
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The house I'm renting comes with furniture. One thing it has is a wall-mounted big TV, like 60 inches or something.

I refuse to touch it, I'm terrified it's going to fall.