What do you guys do with your photo studio?


Senior Member
May 10, 2020
Red Christmas Stocking
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Tin Robot
Eerie Star Potion
White Lily
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Sometimes I guess I like to just turn it into something Grand or fun.
I was considering turning it into like a school or some kind of boarding school type thing.

Right now it looks like it's a palace of some sort complete with a throne room, bedroom, kitchen, servants quarters, and a bathroom.
So I'm not really sure what to do now lol.
I just turned mine into different hang out spots like a coffee shop or diner. I use it to take a group photo everytime I have a villager moving out and also to get their poster.
I go there so my new villagers get photos and for airline points... oh and sometimes to plan outfits to give villagers but that's super rare as I prefer not to risk ruining them
I've only really used it a few times in the last couple of months, for a long time I kept forgetting it was there, and most often it's when I want to try out some ideas if I want to change a room in one of the houses to test different wallpaper/flooring/furniture out and gather inspiration.

I often see photos that people have taken there with all their villagers which I think is a really sweet idea, especially if a villager is leaving or it's a birthday but I never remember to do this.
I use the studio to make designs for friends. First I made some for a friend who teased me about how he cycled some of my favorite villages by making graves for them. I just made one recently for @Pyoopi :). Going to work on one for @NefariousKing now for making a Tangy egg and subjecting her to who knows what 😭 (jk again btw). This really helps get me to play the game since I’ve been losing interest or not motivated to play off and on.

I also use it to try to come up with room ideas for my houses and to try clothes on without ordering them.

The only thing(s) that bothers me about the studio is how the rooms don’t match the sizes of our houses. I’d order furniture based on what i made, and then find out they won’t all fit 😭. Also, I wish I could dress the NPCs in clothes when I scan their amiibos.
I should really use it more often as it could be a really cool hangout. In reality I have only used it very rarely for events or to get villagers photos. I honestly forget it’s there normally.

I did use it with the Sanrio update to scan in the cards to get the posters and villagers and furniture. I just feel out of my depth somehow as I don’t really understand how to use it properly 🥺
I used it to help me design my players houses. I first design the room in Harvey’s studio, once I like it, I transfer it to my players house. This helps me keep the cost down, since it lets me test out items without actually buying them.
I only use mine to brainstorm new areas and rooms. It's far easier to pull from everything you have catalogued than it is to only use what you already have, especially outside. I use the meadow vista wallpaper and the backyard lawn floor to give the illusion that everything is outdoors. It works fairly well.
I use my photo studio as a "rough drafts" until I am happy with a design and use it for one of my characters rooms. When I finish my rooms I plan on decorating the rooms as I wish and leaving a couple flexible for change.
I use the studio for mainly dressing up my villagers in a setting and take photos. I made them look as if they were in a sleepover party, in a campsite, in a gym, warming up indoors from the snowy weather, and more that I couldn't remember. I find it fun in my opinion.
I should really use it more often as it could be a really cool hangout. In reality I have only used it very rarely for events or to get villagers photos. I honestly forget it’s there normally.

I did use it with the Sanrio update to scan in the cards to get the posters and villagers and furniture. I just feel out of my depth somehow as I don’t really understand how to use it properly 🥺

You should! Even if you don’t keep the designs you make there or decide not to order the clothes you try on, it can be surprisingly fun. No pressure or anything though. I’ve seen your screenshots and I know you could come up with something awesome. :) Good way to save bells if you’re trying to come up with room ideas and are playing around with furniture. No pressure though :). I honestly didn’t expect to like the studio at all. I initially thought it was “useless.” Boy was I wrong 😅
You should! Even if you don’t keep the designs you make there or decide not to order the clothes you try on, it can be surprisingly fun. No pressure or anything though. I’ve seen your screenshots and I know you could come up with something awesome. :) Good way to save bells if you’re trying to come up with room ideas and are playing around with furniture. No pressure though :). I honestly didn’t expect to like the studio at all. I initially thought it was “useless.” Boy was I wrong 😅
You are so sweet and kind 💜 My artistic talents are challenged to say the least 😂

The only time I really tried to use the design function was for the wedding event. Failed miserably and didn’t complete as I got a bit frustrated 🙈

Welcome back, the forum has not been the same without you 😍
You are so sweet and kind 💜 My artistic talents are challenged to say the least 😂

The only time I really tried to use the design function was for the wedding event. Failed miserably and didn’t complete as I got a bit frustrated 🙈

Welcome back, the forum has not been the same without you 😍

Aw! Don’t give up. Keep trying :). I’d be happy to give you feedback if you ever need suggestions. I think if you keep trying, you’re bound to get better and find something that works. :)

That wedding event did get repetitive and a few times I think I didn’t understand what they wanted. I admit i just placed furniture down after awhile and didn’t try to make it look pretty .

🥺 Aw thanks. That is really sweet of you to say ❤️.
Sometimes I use it for photos, but mostly to find out whether or not I like a certain outfit on a villager. I love to buy new shirts and dresses for them, but it seems like Able's only sell one size so especially the anteaters often turn out looking quite unfortunate when they have to squeeze themselves into a size extra small. Harv's island really is a blessing in that regard.
Aw! Don’t give up. Keep trying :). I’d be happy to give you feedback if you ever need suggestions. I think if you keep trying, you’re bound to get better and find something that works. :)

That wedding event did get repetitive and a few times I think I didn’t understand what they wanted. I admit i just placed furniture down after awhile and didn’t try to make it look pretty .

🥺 Aw thanks. That is really sweet of you to say ❤.
Just a bit burnt out just now I will hopefully get back to it but just need a break 💜

Honestly, you have been missed 💜 You are a shining star and the belltree was a darker place without you 💫 💕
I've used it before to test what outfits I want to give villagers or what rooms look nice. Specifically near the start, what furniture looked good as make-shift counters before I got the ironwood recipes! Now, I don't use it too much, but it does come in handy.
I tend to to forget it's there. If I do go, it's to try an outfit on a villager, usually before their birthday.

I should go more often, if only to get my dodo items.
I just started using mine! I love being able to do little photo shoots. The controls are a little clunky but it’s fun to play like a mini HHD. And like others have mentioned, it’s great for doing trial runs on clothes for villagers (so many patterns get stretched out on poor Annabelle 😭).
I usually use it to create my island get-togethers for major holidays or goodbye parties when a villager moves away. This all depends if I'm not feeling lazy though.