What do you hate more?

I think Hacking is lame, since you actually have to buy something extra to do that and the Game Programers did not intend for that. The Codes in AC were actually intended so I don't see how it is a problem.
you all do know someone that hacks, and thats me but I don't cheat and stuff, I hack to prove that I can do it, its fun hacking, it's like a mystery...(plus it uses up spare time)
hackign is worse because you have to go to so much more trouble to cheat. and it;'s not fun after you do it.

LIQUEFY! said:
The "seeds" (other than Pitfall Seeds) are dangerous.
Yah, those are weird... they started talking about them on NSider and I didn't think they actually existed when I first heard about them.
hackers are only really doing to get to the great stuff quickly.
but i feel so much better knowing that i worked so hard for it.
although some hackers don't have enugh time to get the most out if a game like ac.
I hate AC:WW hacking because if someone has worked really hard to get really far, knowing that there's someone who's just pressed a few buttons for it to magically happen, it's pretty annoying. But surely hackers must realise that they're destroying the great fun they could have had, had they not hacked the game.

Perfectly pointless unless you're researching for a site or something.