What Do You Look Like?


Anyways... My cosplay for Kirino Kousaka from Oreimo is nearly complete (I mean I still need to sort out a better necktie and get a purple scrunchie and stuff, but... x3) and I tried it all on the other day. I suppose it's not really a picture of me anyway but I figure maybe some anime fans here might want to see it! c:



(this was taken as soon as the wig arrived, and I never realized the clips were on the wrong side... it's not styled here but it looks a lot better now, and I tried on some make-up for it too, but haven't got photos for that)

When I finally put the whole outfit on and it's actually complete AND I get good photos, then maybe I'll post some more. c:
you look adorable!!
i mean i dont really have problems with showing ppl my face i just cant take pictures ):
ya'll must of fell down the right tree lol I might get the courage to do this but I am like bigfoot when it comes to cameras XD get told I am okay looking/pretty but I think they liiieee.
if anyone wants to see my photo pm me gosh I'm too shy to post hurr >///>
but I didn't know there were so many sexy peepz out here! :D
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Oh why not. Disney trip from about a year ago (sorry, Flop X3) c: Those mouse ears were the best purchase I made that entire trip.

eeeee disney.jpg
(≧∇≦)get ready to be A̶m̶a̶z̶e̶d̶ dissapointed ( i _ i )
Sooo~~~ this is meee(・Д・)ノimage.jpg
Make sure to say hai to me if you ever see me out on the streets (≧∇≦)
*side note: yes I have poodle hair. I do not need to be reminded of this fact ヽ(;▽;)ノ
So many cuties! Here's a fairly new picture of me, and spoilers, I'm actually a dude (although I'd like to be a grill, that whole story blah blah blah)


My hair is way "longer" now (although it doesn't grow out, so it's kinda a frizzy, curly, jew-fro-ey mess - blah I wish it would grow out)

Alsoo, Mewmew and gracey you're both super kawaii uguu.
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