Sometimes blue, sometimes pink, sometimes green, and have even been rainbow >W< Blue's my usual though c:
Sorry the first one is so large, resizing is annoying XD First is with makeup and flattering things like that, and the second is totally natural c: At least I don't think I look as old as I really am XD That's something!
Clefairy I fell in love with you.
akwuehutghanuhg I love your hair and eyes woweee O.O
I got the 1st pair for like ?40 as I was at college, and the new ones were free as I am looking for a job, no sales, those are the normal prices for them.Man, were they on sale or something? You look cool btw.
wow extremely handsome
Sometimes blue, sometimes pink, sometimes green, and have even been rainbow >W< Blue's my usual though c:
Sorry the first one is so large, resizing is annoying XD First is with makeup and flattering things like that, and the second is totally natural c: At least I don't think I look as old as I really am XD That's something!