Damn, SockHead. You and your girlfriend lookin' goooooooooooooood
My thyroid just runs really low, so i have to get my blood tested every 3 months to make sure i don't have to start taking medication for it and it isn't much lower than before (it runs in the family - my grandma has hashimoto's and has to take medication as well)
Steph you look adorable!
It iss!!! XD It's a cute Corgi Butt sweater ahahaha!~ XD It's so cute and warm <33
Ahh thank you! ; v;
Ayeeeee c;
Every time
I swear
I get all riled up to see the true form of Jetix but I'm always walking away disappointed
< That's my mouth, but I really should post a pic on here cause it's been forever... >.>
I thought it was another image o.o