slave to the vaporwave
All of you ladies are so gorgeous ♥
This thread is making me feel VERY OLD.....
Anayways here's me...
^^^^ that last one is no makeup just a SC filter
You are stunning oh my goodness!!
Can I be brutally honest??? I don't think I have EVER been called "stunning'...not to my knowledge at least!!!!! ESPECIALLY NOW!!! maybe when I was in my 20's but since having kids (which I had my first at 24) my body has been kinda wrecked lol. hence all the neck up pix. I was always a dancer, an athlete a naturally fit and toned girl...then I had kids lol and I'm not...but one thing I can say is that even though I was prettier or "hotter" back then...I HATED myself. Now, I may not look as good but I LOVE who I AM *not aesthetically* on the inside and am TOTALLY comfortable with all aspects of ME...I have ALWAYS HAD MAAAAAAJOR issues taking always say "No" or "Youre crazy" I am learning to say "thanks" "thanks!!!"
I gotta scroll back and look at some of the pix yall have posted!!!! I haven't really gotten to, but from what the general consensus seems to be is that we have a LARGE ARRAY OF GORGEOUS WOMEN/GIRLS/BOYS/MEN!!!
Heeey guuys
Happy International Womans' Day!
Oooh ma goodnesss, didn't realise the picture was that biiggg![]()
Lol, I in my post I also used the Flower Crown filter! ^_^
Oh! I didn't even realise! I usually just scroll past everyone's face in an attempt to just get past all your beautifulness to stop the jealousy demon coming out of me.
You're beautiful!!
gonna take selfies in a few days since i left my phone at school before break but for now have this pic of 5 yo me in italy almost being consumed by a horse View attachment 195402 great childhood
gonna take selfies in a few days since i left my phone at school before break but for now have this pic of 5 yo me in italy almost being consumed by a horse View attachment 195402 great childhood
and an obligatory pinkie pie cosplay pic
Heeey guuys
Happy International Womans' Day!
Oooh ma goodnesss, didn't realise the picture was that biiggg![]()
Look how young and pretty you are!!! My be whatever age you are lol. seriously though I can like see the innocence and purity radiating off of you even WITH that "every girl uses this filter" filter!!!