i just got back from a we'dding excuse the eye bags
Such a cute tie btw
My photos legit dont work lol
Upload to imgur.
Turn off the flash.I’ve just tried that, yet the image turns into a white square.
just wondering if I look like a little kid to people. I keep getting id'd.... I'm 21 though >__<
I think its finally time you guys to get to see what I actually look like. (Nerve racking indeed)
View attachment 209820
I took this a while back. I have glasses... I don't feel like taking a picture ATM since I have too much acne and my hair is all messed up RIP.
alright so my sixth form social was to dress up as the first letter of your name...
therefore ruby riickkkk (from rick and morty if you didn't know lmao ) and my friend Luis went as Lucifer..
can't wait for hallowweeeennnnn !!