What do you miss from New Leaf?

Just the island mini games! Definitely hope that gets brought back in an update. Then it would be PERFECT!
Honestly nothing so far. Acnl is my least favorite in the series.
i’ve heard this changes later on, but in NH they don’t form relationships with you or ask you to get them things. i feel like in NL they automatically got attached to you and would ask you to perform tasks for them. the dialogue in NH is just very short and repetitive

It gets 100x better after 5 days. The villagers are basically locked in tutorial/test mode until then.
Well, since it's only 6 days I've been playing NH I'm gonna say what I miss from NL that was available at the beginning... and I think it's just gyroids and Redd's art.
Crazy Redd
The Alpacas
Non-breakable Golden Tools
Hello Kitty, Loz, etc, Villagers
Swimming and Diving
Mini games
QR codes
I also miss the town tree. Definitely not a big deal but it was nice watching it grow along with your town and change throughout the seasons.
All of the special characters that are absent. I suspect we'll see more over time, as Nintendo confirmed that Leif will return, but it's still a shame that characters like Kapp'n didn't play a fun role from the start.

I also miss the freedom to move out villagers instead of waiting. I like how NH progresses, not allowing you to dictate everything, but you may want to have things your way once everything has been unlocked. I haven't gotten there yet, but reading into it, I see people struggling to force out villagers they don't like.
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the music! i haven't unlocked to where NH has hourly themes yet so i'm still listening to the same song on repeat haha- i can't wait to hear hourly tunes again. i miss island minigames, and i also miss the convenience i had bc i'd made it really far in the game and was v comfortable (i like being busy and building my island up rn, but in nl, if i ever wanted to totally redesign a room or area, i always had the resources to do that, whether it be through ordering from my big catalogue, having rarer stuff in storage, or being able to find what i wanted here on the forums).
I'm kinda surprised so many people played mini-games. I guess it's because I didn't do too much multiplayer in NL other than trading, but I didn't care for the mini-games. They just felt like a grind to buy the island-only items. I don't miss them at all.

Now that I do local multiplayer coop though, I might actually play mini-games if there were some... but even then, I think they'd only be mildly entertaining.

The only games I miss were the ones added in Welcome Amiibo - Desert Island Escape and the puzzle game that the title escapes me at the moment. Those were more fun if you played primarily single player.
not from new leaf: but i was really hoping the flea market from wild world would be brought back! i wasn't too optimistic, though :p
Luna and the dream suite!!! Where are the pitfalls? I kinda miss swimming too, I’d love to see the diving creatures have a section at the museum! Storage at the train station, that was super helpful especially with trades and when you’re messing around with friends, you can easily access your items.
Just the Dream Suite and maybe swimming. Redd, a little bit. But it’s too early on, NH feels so brand new to me and I’ve exhausted NL so much so it’s not a big deal yet. I’m seriously enjoying NH to the fullest at this time. I don’t TT so I’m still at the point where I’m unlocking stuff so everyday is exciting for me still to miss anything from the old game.
• the dream suite. i really, really hope it’s added in a future update.

• brewster, pascal, redd, etc. i know there’s some hints they’ll be added in the future but it kind of sucks that they weren’t added from the start

• tools that don’t break. axes are obviously the exception but i really miss not having to craft a bunch of tools everyday lmao

• tortimer’s island,, i miss beetle and shark farming bro

• expandable rooms in your house - rn only the main room can be expanded which kinda sucks lol
So far? Nothing, really. I haven't gone and thought "I wish ____ were here" or anything. If I really think about it, I think bell farming was easier in New Leaf so perhaps I would want Tortimer's Island back. Other than that, the only thing I'm really missing are a few NPCs which will hopefully appear in updates.
Diving and the dream suite. Both of these are things that I hope will be added in future updates
Certain house exteriors and house styles.
Cyrus & Reese.
Brewster, though a datamine looks to have him back at some point.
The Roost.
Copper and Booker.
Dr Shrunk.
Club LOL.
The Dream Suite.
The Emporium.
Swimming, diving and sea creatures.
Kapp'n and his family, and Tortimer island + tours.
Perfect fruit. I loved making dead trees.
The absence of Nook Miles, as bells were the main currency and should've stayed that way.
The inventory wasn't bland and unreadable.

Being able to fish without the rod breaking and not having to craft bait.

The silver axe and special stumps.
Not sure if famous mushrooms are in NH.

Basically everything.

- - - Post Merge - - -

And all of the missing RV items, and Harvey's campground. Feeding the birds and visiting NPC's.

The missing furniture sets.