What do you think is the best in-game path to go with snow?


Senior Member
May 22, 2014
I'm leaning towards the stone paths, but wanted to see if anybody else has an opinion. I already have a downloaded path that takes up a lot of space, hence my focus on in game paths. :)
Even though I think that in the end, you could work with any of the in-game paths, I'd say that the arched tile path looks the best with snow along with the stone path.
I just switched to the stone path for this reason! The arched tile also looks really nice, I was having trouble choosing between the two.
I use the two stone paths together on my island.
I think any of the in-game paths will look fine. White matches all the path colours that we have. Fingers crossed that the brick path looks good once my island gets some snow. XD
I'm sure any of the paths that were part of the terraforming set (and not a path you can create) will go well with the snow. I haven't checked because I don't time travel, but I am sure those will have some snow slightly covering them. I could be wrong though.
I think the stone path and the arched stone paths look pretty. I time traveled to see how snow looks on my island and I'm not loving how the custom path I have looks with it (too washed out). So I might try to go in and replace it with an in-game stone path, although it would be hard to match the curviness of the custom path.
I really wish there was a way to make the in-game paths appear more natural when turning. Though I don't use it, "The Path" looks great when you need it to turn a corner.
The wooden path turns a light grey color during the winter which is really nice. I think it matches the snow at least.
I use the two stone paths together on my island.
View attachment 339496

That will look so awesome when the snow fills in-between.


I'm currently using light dirt path as it goes well with the fall colors. Hopefully it'll look nice with snow too, because it will be tiresome to swap it all out.
i think "the path" is very versatile in all seasons really... there's also different variants of the path that has different coloring of the dirt, i'm sure there's one version out there that will be suited to use in snow
I think the brick/stone paths look the best in winter however I also love the wooden path in winter too. Not that I use it as a path in my game
I don't personally use any in-game paths on my island (cannot handle the 90 degree angles haha) but from what I've seen on other's islands the stone paths look great with the snow and that photo of the wooden path in winter looks amazing!!