What do you think Pave will bring, and what/who do you think we'll see after him?


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2012
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Silver Mailbox
So Pave is (assumingly) bringing Festivale, and maybe some new/updated furniture. What, if anything, are you expecting to see when he comes on board? Nintendo already mentioned they planned to do NH dowloads for a good long while, so I doubt Pave will be the last npc we see added. Personally, Im hoping for some redesigned Festivale house furniture thats more fantasy themed and lively that the current faux Ikea catalog of houseware we've got going right now. Id love for the event, if there is one, to go back to its City Folk roots, using the net to catch feathers to give to Pave. I also hope they dont nuke Pave's sassyness! Pave should keep his sass! Im honestly just hoping they dont ruin Festivale, I was so disappointed in Toy Day😔.

Other than Brewster, Im hoping Katrina also comes back sooner than later. Maybe she'll have her own furniture line this time!
I'm hoping for

1. Nook's Cranny expansion. It's about time I think.

2. Roost/Brewster. Valentines is coming up, and the northern hemisphere (where Japan resides) has now entered Winter. This might be the perfect time to introduce a nice cup of hot chocolate through Brewster.

3. Likely not going to happen anytime soon: Re-tail with Reese and Cyrus!

4. I'm doubting we'll ever see this again...but DJ K.K.! I need him!
I think for once im just going to let Nintendo surprise me, since having expectations sometimes makes me not enjoy what they give us to the fullest, with that said, what you said about catching feathers with a net sounds very plausible to me as its a recurring method for past events/seasons so they might used it once again. I too cannot wait to see Katrina and Brewster back, my heart and my virtual life at AC without them is just broken hahah, so i cant wait for them to come and really hope they will be super cool and with new amazing features ( expectations 😅 ).

Im hoping i guess with this expansion or i guess with this one plus the next one and i say the next one case this one might be just focused on Pave:

- New furniture
- A special gameplay feature special for Pave just like we had a special gameplay feature with thanksgiving
- Special Carnaval type of clothes
- Would love a type of locked event or not locked featuring costume parade type of way
- With new furniture, maybe an upgrade to nooks cranny
- Brewster !!! but like a special Brewster with new gameplay features and just a really upgraded version of him !
- Basically new gameplay, or features or just new anything like when in halloween we had to harvest pumpkins! I just want more freshness and surprises to be honest

Lets see what we get, cant wait for this update and the ones to follow that one 😍😂
I also am just trying to go in with zero expectations because at this point literally anything could happen. I'm definitely hoping for a big(ish) event, perhaps not in terms of how long it takes but just in terms of what we get out of it (new furniture etc). and of course like everyone else I'm hoping to get brewster back!
but yeah overall I don't know what to think any more and I'm just going in open minded
I honestly don't expect much.

I want useful furniture, as after a year, we still haven't really had much. :(
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I hope Festivale is similar to previous games too, I didn't play CF but I had fun during the event in NL.
I'd also love to see Brewster introduced in this update but it seems unlikely so I'm just going in with the expectation that we're only getting Festivale to avoid disappointment.
My hopes aren't high for the Pave update, because I feel it's just going to be that, some additional Nook Miles content (I'm hoping that you can get Nook and Isabelle's sweaters) and some Nook Shopping items for Groundhog Day/Valentine's Day/Setsubun.

However, the March update and the updates after that? That's where the interesting stuff lies in my eyes. We've gotten a whole year into the game, and for players who've been playing since last March... we've hopefully managed to get all the seasonal recipes, gotten a large chunk of our catalogues and we've done all the events... so I'm hoping for a 2.0 update then.
I'm hoping for

1. Nook's Cranny expansion. It's about time I think.

2. Roost/Brewster. Valentines is coming up, and the northern hemisphere (where Japan resides) has now entered Winter. This might be the perfect time to introduce a nice cup of hot chocolate through Brewster.

3. Likely not going to happen anytime soon: Re-tail with Reese and Cyrus!

4. I'm doubting we'll ever see this again...but DJ K.K.! I need him!
Where do I sign?

Personally, I don't have huge expectations because I think that, if (a big if) we get these long awaited things - upgrade to Nook's and the addition of The Roost - they wouldn't add them alongside Festivale, to avoid "stealing the show" and also, because I can totally see these coming in a 2.0 update, and, like many others, I think it's more reasonable to expect it to drop in the first anniversary of the game.

I'm not looking forward to Festivale because it's not something that interests me - yeah, it may be a surprise as I'm brazilian - and I never cared for it in New Leaf. If for some reason, this update brings something cool, yeah, can't complain about that, but I'm seeing it as just another event that I don't care about (like Bunny Day).
I never really have high expectations when it comes to these updates, because I don't want to be disappointed. But it would be nice to finally have Brewster and maybe some new furniture that you don't have to craft.
My guess for festivale:
Leading up to the event, we'll be collecting feathers that will fall like cherry blossoms/maple leaves/snowflakes. We'll also be collecting DIYs from balloons (maybe from villagers, too? I hope?) that use said feathers. On the day we'll need to _____________ for Pave, to earn the last few DIYs, which will also take feathers. Maybe some feathers will be exclusive to Festivale? I'm also guessing there will be AT LEAST one dance emote to collect, probably the day of (maybe we'll need to dance with him/villagers to get the last DIY?) Anyway, those are purely my guesses based on previous games in the series, and previous events in this game. No matter what, I'm looking forward to it!

And IDK if we'll get anything in the same update as Pave, but I would not be at all surprised if this update teased a mid/late March (1st anniversary) update with Brewster/gyroids. I just have a feeling!
I want them to keep the path they're taking with furniture and bring me some truly extravagant objects. I want a big and colorful statue of his tail, I want a Hula-dollish toy version of Pavé, a gigantic fan made from feathers, those kind of things- with 10-13 furniture expected, I want most of them to be even more out there than previous sets. Oh and dance reactions. Even more elaborated than "Flourish".

And just wishful thinking, I'd love a "Whistle" tool. Running around going full fweeeeeh/preeeet/prrrft* would be amazing.

*Excuse my poor attempts at recreating the onomatopoeia of a whistle.
I really wanted a big new gameplay update like the one we got diving/pascal/mermaid furniture/gulivarr... Event related updates only last a day and don't bring much freshness to the game
As we have seen, we will expect Pavé. None of us (probably?) expecting Pavé moves to our town and live forever. So... we may expect some sort of event. Not expecting events, just one, single event.
Maybe, if we will receive this update enough days / weeks prior this "event", we will got opportunity to collect some sort of "collectibles" related to this event. But, what I'm thinking - Pavé will come to our island in the day of event and this event may be comparable to Turkey Day, or even smaller.
Definitely I will not expect any other characters, as we have seen already previous announcements, and we only got those character been "promised" for us, no extra characters whatsoever.
Not expecting any extra buildings or any upgrades. Not expecting any extra vegetables or any farming / cooking mechanics.
We may got something "small but interesting" on the top of this event... but it will be nothing major.
Obviously we will have another advert, what we may catch in February... and that's it.
I really disliked the purple harvest furniture we had in previous games, so I'm hoping, like they redid the harvest furniture, they'll redo the festivale furniture. I'd love to be able to catch the feathers like we could before, and use them to craft things with, like costumes, headdresses etc. I also hope like with harvest day, we might see a new gameplay element :D
I'm hoping for the dance/shuffle reaction to be released! If not the classic shrunk shuffle that we know, a new type of dance that Pave does. I'd like a classy redesign of the Pave furniture as well. I was really happy with what they did to the new Harvest furniture so I'm excited for the new Pave rewards :)

pretty much what's been mentioned above is what i'm hoping for!