What do you want to be different in 2019?

For me to finally find a girlfriend that loves me as much as I love her. I?ve never been in a true relationship, and I?m almost 26 years old.

Me, but I'm almost 20 now. I actually haven't had a girlfriend yet. I'd like to change that at some point.

I also want a new job, I can't live an adult life with 1 or 2 work days a week.
Despite being only 20 years old, I feel my life being a bit slow. Then again I think that's normal for this age.
So for 2019 I hope I can be a bit more active, doing more things in each day so I'm not feeling like I haven't done anything rewarding or basically anything in the day.
I do hope to get some sort of experience doing something I like so I know about it more and know what I want to continue/or start doing.
On last thing is I hope I can get better at remembering to do certain things and to just do it because I always say I will do one thing and will either forget or can't be asked anymore. Like I wanna get better at keeping to a schedule for exercising.

And may my writer's block stay in 2018. :)

Wow are you me
I really want to be a better person in general this coming year. I love who I am, but I've realized that there is nothing stopping me from allowing myself to become a better friend, daughter, and person. I also hope to become less insecure, and to trust in myself and those who love me more. :)

I hope good things happen to all of you this coming 2019! <3
I want to be healthier, happier, and financially stable in 2019.
Our apartment lease ends in September on 2019, so I'm hoping we'll be able to move back to FL. If we end up staying in Georgia, I want to rent a house.
Starting my own business next year is also a really important goal for me!
Lastly, I'd love to get engaged heh buuuut that depends on the above goals being met ^ ;> We want to be happy and comfortable with our home, money, and jobs before we make a big step like that.
To exercise, be happy and get outside and go to more places.
I want my motivation back. I feel like I've been looking at this brick wall in the dark for too long now.
My weight and physique, for sure!
A different president in my country (US) would definitely be nice, to put it very lightly.

Otherwise, I want to feel good again. 2018 has been not so great, with a new health problem coming up and getting really bad (understand it's not a fatal kind of condition, so that's not the scale I'm using). *sigh* As if I really needed more.

I'd like 2019 to be the year where we move to New Hampshire, but that would take a bit of a miracle to happen that soon.

I'd like to find a job that doesn't require me to get up at 4am and doesn't agitate my feet pain ASAP.
I would like to become a better, more confident person. At the start, when I first joined TBT, I was little shiitake mushroom to say the least and I was definitely not the best person, but since I left for hiatus, I've improved on myself, and decided it was a good time to come back since I reset my town a couple days ago and knew I'd need some help getting it back to what it once was. With that being said, I can say that I'm confident that I'll be a better person and always getting closer to being my best self in 2019. I hope to get better at singing, drawing and other things in 2019. I overall want to be a better musician and artist. I also want my fitness and diet to change to be healthier in 2019. My metabolism has always allowed for me to eat whatever, but being that I'm two-three years away from being a grown adult, I know it won't last much longer. I want to start working out regularly and eating healthier. I hope to make more friends and rebuild my acnl town, and finish all the games I have yet to finish. I want to catch up to where I can focus on acnl more and more. I also want to try different things in 2019. I've been a hermit a good chunk of my life and I've dipped in and out of my shell throughout this year, so maybe I can fully burst out of it as a new and improved version of myself! I specifically want to try rice balls, sushi and mochi. I also want to improve on my knowledge of East Asian cultures, as I plan to visit either Japan, Korea or China one day. I hope I can improve my fluency level in Chinese, Korean, French and/or Japanese in 2019. I want to become fluent in one, if not a few or all of those languages, based on my travel plans and possible career paths. I have a lot of goals for 2019, but I built a pretty good foundation this year, so I'm not that scared. I hope I can make it all happen!
I want to move into my own place and I really hope that I will be happier being away from all these fake people
• I personally don't want to get affected because of how they feel.
• I don't wanna make bad decisions like last year
• Hope I get a motivation to draw again...
• Go away negative vibes I don't need you
• Be successful this year
• Financially stable
I hope to have a more healthier mindset. Having all of these negative thoughts in my head isn't doing me any good. I hope I can be a bit more positive.
I wanna get me a got dang paying job (volunteering around 4 months. I want money)