What do you wish they'd bring back older games?


Senior Member
May 13, 2015
I really miss the flea market from wild world but i doubt they would bring that back, kinda like how you could be invited to a villagers house in new leaf and buy an item which i wish they'd bring back. Also the geodes and carnations from NL :'(
while there’s a lot that i’d love to see return one day, my main interests are the minigames from new leaf, the post office (+ pelly, phyllis and pete), the “bright nights festival” from wild world, the roost + the part-time minigame from new leaf and of course, missing npcs and furniture. :’)
Only thing I really miss is mini games.
I would love to play games with my friends again.
I would like it if they also rewarded stuff like in new leaf.
obviously old NPCs and villagers lol
but i also really want tortimer's island back, it literally fits in with the NH island theme so well that i wonder why they even removed it it makes no sense!

then definately the furniture, i've been playing NL and HHD a lot recently and the furniture is just adorable and i want it back haha

also the post office, like they should get the entire of resident services and just delete it and replace it with the old town hall
NH doesn't feel like an animal crossing game to me, with it's island theme and the lack of the town hall
i know nintendo wanted to make a fresh new game and while NH is super fun and i've gotten hundreds of hours out of it, i don't like how different it is from past games
Lockers, unbreakable tools, the museum café, the museum's empty room, hhd's furniture and customization options, pocket camp's furniture, customizing the rs and my house, perfect and new fruits.
i like new horizons plenty, i have over 1000 hours logged and will continue to play as it gets more updates, buuuuuuut there are quite a few things i would love to see re-added, realistic or not:
  • smaller holidays and events like yay day, la-di day, april fool's day, flea market, lottery, etc
  • missing npcs and their respective buildings/functionality (changed to fit in with new horizons obviously). brewster, gracie, katie, kapp'n, katrina, copper/booker, etc. perhaps have some located at some kind of city-esque place players can visit
  • more villager interactions in the form of errands, dialogue, visiting the players house, etc as well as the return of removed villagers
  • mini games!!! especially for multiplayer, but also just solo or with your villagers
  • missing furniture sets / items / public works projects. there are so many missing that i would really love to be able to decorate with especially now that we can place things outside
  • more held items because i think they're really cute. bunny/heart balloons, ice creams, toy hammer...
  • player house style customization (mansion, castle, etc) as well as being able to customize resident services and the airport
  • more fruit types, perfect fruits, dead trees
  • more types of fish and insects to collect, gyroids, more collectibles in general
  • some way to locate villagers when they're not home
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I really just want the Gorgeous Series back, my fav furniture set, and also the Sweets, Princess, and Rococo Series!
I don’t understand why they cut out so much furniture, and all the ones I liked so much as well! :(
I’m not going to go “everything from New Leaf” because I honestly feel that’s got a good chance of coming back at some point over the next couple of years... so instead, I’m going to talk about stuff that even New Leaf didn’t have that I want to see back! Although most are with a twist.

  • First off, I’m just going to talk about something really obscure and Japan-only: mini games with villagers! In DnMe+, if you connected a GBA to your GameCube, you could download three mini games to your GBA that gave you exclusive items. These consisted of a Rock Paper Scissors game played on a log, a dodgeball-type game and a traffic light-type game, and were played by the Wishing Well... so I’d love to see something like that outside Resident Services, similar to the treasure hunt game or hide and seek (although only on days without visitors in the plaza, bc they’d take up room)
  • I’d also like to see something like a hybrid between the lottery from the GameCube game and the TNPS system from WW/LGTTC, where you’d have an app on your NookPhone that kept track of how much you’d spent over a month at Nook’s Cranny and award you rare and expensive (but re-orderable) furniture, as well as Nook’s Cranny themed furniture for certain milestones (which would be non-reorderable, like the DAL stuff)
  • Episodes, like in WW/LGTTC. Why have the special NPC’s come to the deserted island getaway? What brings them here? What’s happened in their life since LGTTC/NL?
  • I’d like to see something like Bright Nights, but a) actually being able to participate, and b) actually getting a reward for doing so
  • I like the fact that Celeste gives star/space themed DIYs in this game, bc it’s a much better use for her character than... owning a museum shop... but I’d love to see the observatory back?
  • The city, because there’s a load of NPCs that actually suit having static shops as opposed to just being visitors (and tbh, neither Kicks or Leif feel like that to me) and they’re all conveniently missing... also it’s a nice counterpart to “pastoral deserted island in the middle of nowhere”... as long as it feels a bit more expansive than the LGTTC version, which is a plaza in the middle of a road that goes nowhere. Something more Splatoonesque would be really nice? Maybe even something by the sea, that DAL could visit?
  • I’m also once again going to enthuse for my favourite bit of cut content in AC games: MORNING AEROBICS, I WANT TO SEE COPPER DO THEM IN MY PLAZA PLS
i really miss tiny events from wild world like the flower festival, the acorn festival, and la-di-da day. i was really hoping they brought them back and with how empty the game feels a lot of the time, i feel like they really should. i also miss flea market and a ton of old furniture sets. i won't even get into NPCs and things like gyroids because i think everybody feels the same, haha.
I'd be okay if they made the Ring Fit, Switch, and other video game related items playable, similar to D.I.E.
The raffle from GCN.
Flea market from WW.
Igloos during winter.
Tortimer island.

If they brought back all those features plus obviously Brewster, Katrina and a couple more npc’s, this would be the perfect AC
Lockers, unbreakable tools, the museum café, the museum's empty room, hhd's furniture and customization options, pocket camp's furniture, customizing the rs and my house, perfect and new fruits.
yes we NEED the lockers! i also miss how pretty perfect fruit trees are :(
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I really just want the Gorgeous Series back, my fav furniture set, and also the Sweets, Princess, and Rococo Series!
I don’t understand why they cut out so much furniture, and all the ones I liked so much as well! :(
im gonna be upset if they never bring back those sets, the princess was my favourite :/
All the missing fruits from New Leaf. No idea why they removed them, an island is perfect for them. Perfect Fruit as well.

But honestly, I just want New Leaf with all of the good additions from New Horizons :LOL:
I'd like them to bring back more personality to the villagers. Villagers can be overly rude, it's a thing like with all personalities. They don't have to be nice, sweet, and welcoming all the time. Some of the meaner attitudes brought with them personalities all their own, added to villages with them.
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I would like to try older AC games if there was a Switch version. I don't want to have to buy a bunch of old consoles to play them. And I wouldn't want to pay full price. I'd pay about $20 for older AC titles.
There are a lot of things that I wish they'd bring back from the older games, including:

- The furniture sets that have been part of the series since the early days.
- Tortimer Island, or at the very least the minigames that it featured
- Gyroids
- Perfect Fruit (and dead trees)
- Brewster and The Roost Café
- Some of the missing NPCs like Katrina and Gracie
- Expansion to Nook's Cranny

and probably more, this is just what was on the top of my head at the time of writing.

However, my biggest request currently would be the ability to set appointments to visit your villagers' houses and let them visit you like you could in New Leaf. I want to be able to buy the dumb junk the animals will put in their homes if you ever dare to do errands. Like Klaus currently has clothes sitting around his house and I hate it and want to buy them from him and sell them to Timmy & Tommy.