What do you wish they'd bring back older games?

i wish they'd bring back minigames, something akin to tortimer island from new leaf, ALL the furniture (and maybe even more), the missing fruits, and of course better dialogue. i love new horizons it just definitely feels like it's missing... something
I really just want the Gorgeous Series back, my fav furniture set, and also the Sweets, Princess, and Rococo Series!
I don’t understand why they cut out so much furniture, and all the ones I liked so much as well! :(
I'm still very hopeful that Nooks will get an upgrade and have either Gracie or Label sell those sets. Something new to add to it would be awesome too. As for rococo, that was my favorite. I really want it back.
Tortimer island from New Leaf. I mean seriously its an island that fits very well with the theme New Horizons is going for. It was also the thing that allowed online friends to play a lot of online modes. Something that this game (New Horizons) is missing
It was mentioned earlier in this thread, but I'd also like to see Celeste's Observatory. I didn't play the previous games it was in, but they did a great job designing the rest of the museum, and I'd love to see what they'd do with an observatory.
I just threw out all the furniture in my study as it is the same bland stuff we all have.
It's just an empty room.

Can't even find decent flooring or walls in this game. :(

I miss desk lamps, and the stained glass lamps, AND the stained glass itself!

I'd kill for furniture sets.

I miss the lotus lamps, and so many other things.

It breaks my heart I have to decorate with ducks and turtles. :(
I'd really love to see the missing NPCs and villagers make a return to the game, some of them I think probably will turn up at some point (like Brewster and the LoZ crossover characters) but others such as Pelly, Phyllis and Pete would be great to have back as I really liked them in the older games. Also a separate shopping district to travel to would be great so the travelling NPCs and any missing villagers could have permanent shops to visit without taking up precious space on the island.

Also all the old furniture sets need to make a return, I think it would be great is every missing set from past games was bought into NH but especially the Regal, Princess, Gorgeous and Exotic sets which had some of my favourite pieces in them and would be really great for decorating the house. If these made a return I'd actually add a second character to my island in order to be able to decorate more homes, at the moment I feel like even though there are some really nice sets in the game there isn't enough to get as creative as I'd like with interior decorating.

Finally as has been frequently mentioned - the return of Tortimer Island and the mini games, which I'd love even more if they introduced new and exciting mini games along with the past ones. This would fit in really well with NH with the island setting and would be a great way to bring Tortimer back to the game as well as really improving the multiplayer experience.
Flea market, and most especially perfect fruit and the missing fruits (i miss mangoes) 🥭

Also furniture! I love the Gracie sets and hope she returns soon!
Not necessarily a specific element or aspect but I think they should bring back whatever it takes to have more weekly/regular visitors to the island. They don't even need to be particularly important, just have Katrina show up and sell you cryptic messages about your week on the island or have Cyrus show up as a regular guest who will refurbish, like, five pieces of furniture per visit for a price or something.

I'm just saying, I should never say something like "Ugh, it's just Label again today". Guests should always be exciting.
I think there are many things still missing. They go from more NPCs (Gracie or Katrina, for example) to more furniture sets (rococo, regal, all of Gracie's sets, etc.). I also miss event days that weren't active for a day and then see you next year, such as the Flea Market or La-Di-Day. The minigames from Tortimer Island and the island itself were also pretty useful, although I admit that having Tortimer Island when you are already on an island can be kind of redundant.
-Better dialogue (I have multiple peppies and it's painful to hear them say the exact same thing in a time span of 5 minutes 😓 )
-More NPCs
-More furniture sets
-More fruits (I want bananas back!!)
Tortimer Island to play mini games with your friends. The multiplayer really lacks activities to do. Also Club Tortimer should come back, I loved playing with random people all over the world.
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I'm still very hopeful that Nooks will get an upgrade and have either Gracie or Label sell those sets. Something new to add to it would be awesome too. As for rococo, that was my favorite. I really want it back.
Same here! I love rococo, it completely fits my island's style, and I really miss that collection :/
i really miss the minigames on NL, like desert island escape and puzzle league! ill also have to agree that i really miss the flea market, i loved going around every villagers house seeing if im interested (or trying to get rid) of some of their items. although there were so many times were they literally never wanted to part with anything, not one single thing, thought that was pretty funny haha. id also like to see morning aerobics included from ACGC; i know the villagers randomly start exercising but it’s not as interactive as morning aerobics used to be. everyone would gather up and follow copper’s movements, the player would use the c-stick to follow the steps of the certain exercises and it always seemed cool to me. the message of the week from WW was also a small yet good feature, the message would often say funny or weird things and it’s always get a laugh out of me. id also like to bring up the acorn festival! we need corniner back immediately, his fortunes always cracked me up.