What does Coca-Cola taste like to you?

Champagne... Kidding, but I think I finally figured out why Lola by the Kinks has been running through my head lately. That is such an awesome song, especially with headphones. C o l a cola la la la Lola...
I haven't had it in a few years. Since I stopped drinking sugary drinks then, it'd probably just taste like unbearable sugary syrup now.
It tastes like carbonated poo-water. I mean I've always liked coke but my brother always gets my mom to buy it so I kinda got sick of it. I do still love to drink it tho.
im not a lover of coca cola but i like to have it once in a while or after eating some junk food lol.
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It just tastes like sugared water to me, but I'm not entirely sure. I do noticed the difference in taste though with other drinks, but can't really describe for sure.
Ummm well

Coca Cola is a weird one because I associate the taste with, well, Coca Cola. I don't know anything else that tastes like it (obv there's Pepsi and cheap knock offs but that's not what I mean).

But I do know that it makes me feel bad about myself because there is just so much Sugar inside...
I had an incident with my blood pressure a few years back and ever since then my taste buds have been different. To me Coke & Pepsi both taste like chemicals. I can't taste the sugar, vanilla or citrus. And if they're in a can then I taste metal... and chemicals. The only dark soda that tastes like it should to me is root beer. Most "clear" sodas taste fine but I'm really not a soda drinker so I only have those once in a while.