What does the game mean to you almost a year on?

new horizons has become one of my comfort games and one of my favorite games in the ac series. following the hype since it was announced and getting excited with other fans online as we slowly gained more and more knowledge about it was an experience on its own, and unlike any i've ever had in all my years as a gamer. i love that it's brought back old fans as well as so many new ones. i think the impact from this game is definitely going to be the most long-lasting of the whole franchise and i wouldn't have it any other way
@SoraFan23 I'm sorry you had to go through that and deal with such crappy friends, but at least you found a great one among that pile of garbage. Those types of friends will show their true colors when it comes time for you to need help in some way.

I used to have a friend like that. We played NL a lot. For their birthday I wanted to do something nice for them and so I spent a good day or two just doing island tours to rake up enough medals to buy the mermaid series. That's a very time consuming process and then I had to hop between islands to find each piece which took even longer. They invited me over one day so I could gift it to them. They rushed me the whole time, I had to dump the series near their train station, and they just ended the session before I could say anything lol. I should had just kept it.

I know what it's like to have 'friends' like that.
Thanks for understanding. Its sad that I'm the only one that didn't have a "relaxing experience" but it is what it is.
This game was a revelation for me. I didn't realize there was a video game in existence that I would enjoy and also be able to play (I suck at games. Like, I have BOTW and can't figure out what to do, but ACNH requires less skill.) I'm also amazed by the quality of the graphics and animations and the creativity of the world. I may get tired of it, but I still think it's an amazing game and will probably buy the next installment or downloadable add ons.
I've played every AC game from GC on, with the exception of CF (I have it, just didn't get into it), so I had an idea of what to expect.

For me, this game (and the series, really) are about slowing down, escaping from craziness going on at work/home/life in general, and not worrying about getting things done as fast as possible.

With everything that's happened this past year, there are a lot of things I haven't been able to do and times I've felt like I've failed in various areas. But I can look at my island, which has been built little by little, each day, from overgrown and empty to a cohesive space that reflects my taste and interests.

Maybe using a video game as a benchmark for "I've actually accomplished something this year" is not normal, but this year has not been normal, so you use what you've got.
It's just a game that helped me focus onto during this pandemic and especially going through the job hunt grind. I pretty much gruel over my professional work day after day and it's nice to play a really casual game with no major constraints (there definitely is some annoying ones but I can work around them).

I personally enjoyed going out, socializing and networking but since that's pretty nonexistent atm (or I just feel pretty unsafe to continue that), it's nice to socialize in this game within this community and pour my creative energy into than my serious work.
The game has been a big project for me (in a good way)! It's a welcomed distraction in a time of pandemic and joblessness, so it helps me feel productive in some sense. It's fun picking a theme and working with that idea over time and seeing it slowly come to fruition. For me personally, I've been isolated from my boyfriend since this pandemic started, so I'm also excited to "finish" the island and show it off to him when we're finally together again.

I also love showing off my town and being a part of this community to admire others' creativity. I know it sounds a little cheesy, but I think we've all built a little piece of ourselves in our islands and I feel like I get to know people via their island creations. So even if we're physically distanced, on our own little islands, it doesn't feel as lonely as I first thought.
It has been a really wonderful experience for me. I had never really heard much about the series before and outside of the sims and Pokémon had never found a game to really hook me. It sounds super over blown, even to me, but I feel like animal crossing is the game I was always wanting but had never found before.

for the first few month I kept thinking I would get tired of it, burn out, etc. I was playing a lot, because I was nursing a newborn and there is it much you can do in the situation, especially with the low- to major sleep deprivation. But now it has been almost a year for me and I still look forward every day to logging on and just seeing my island and talking to my villagers, giving them gifts. I almost wish I could get a little sick of it at least, cause it is a major time suck away from my other hobbies.

it also helped me connect more with a friends, especially one particular long time friend. We talk about the game and visit each other but then it also gives is an excuse to talk more in general about anything and everything. I’ve never been interested in playing a video game socially before. I always purposely avoided it actually. I don’t really like competitive activities and I am an introvert with social anxiety. So it has been new getting involved in playing with friends and doing trades on here, and that has been it’s own rewarding experience (but this is still really the only place I participate in the online community)
I grew up with this game and I couldn't wait to get it. But it turned into something a lot more though as a month after it came out my sister passed away unexpectedly. The game helped me get through a lot of my grief by keeping me distracted and busy. Literally started to do villager hunts to get my dreamies but also started to help others get their own because I wanted to help and make them happy. It's been really hard to deal with a lot of emotions because of this pandemic. But this game with adorable talking animals really helped me get through a lot of dark times recently.

I've also made a second profile and built my sister a house which I plan to design in her memory. It'll include a lot of pink and in someway allow me to have my own personal tribute to her.
The game definitely helps give me a distraction, especially as i’ve lost my job recently i’ve been pouring a lot more time into it. But that’s kind of it for me, I haven’t really played the game much and I got it on release date. I rarely play the events even. I just wish there was more to do, I miss that feeling of building from the ground up the old games had. I’ve been a long time fan, I feel like there’s a lot of room for improvement for new horizons.