What does your airport entrance look like?

Damn everyone's entrances are so amazing it puts mine to shame both aesthetically and creatively. I'm going to have up my game and see if I can come up with anything equally as gorgeous and unique as what you've all done. 😳 😍
I really love seeing everyones entrance areas, they're all so beautiful and creative!

My entrance area is quite simple, I wanted a direct line straight from the airport to the resident services but unfortunately they don't line up exactly so instead I placed the bridge to be in the centre of the resident services but slightly to the right of the airport. Nooks Cranny, on the left, and Able Sisters, on the right, are also situated in the entrance area as I like been able to get between them all quite easily and it creates a nice little district for all my villagers to hang out.

Decoration wise I knew I wanted to use some Celeste DIYs as they're some of my favourites so I went for the crescent moon chairs and some nova lights, as well as a virgo harp on both sides as it's my star sign DIY. I've changed the flowers around numerous times but currently I'm happy with the white, green, purple and pink mums as they're some of my favourite flowers in the game. The easter DIYs aren't usually around though, just haven't got around to removing them.



My resident services is so close to the airport, there’s hardly any room to build up decent looking cliffs. I just have a bunch of trees to make it look a little more enclosed.
my entrance is pretty plain, but i like it. it opens up into the neighborhood with a wooded path to residents services. normally my island is all cedars (except for the orange trees on turnips farm), but i have cherry blossoms around resident services at the moment which you can see a bit of in the background

I really like my entrance! i walk through the path it leads to it several times every time i play since it's right by my house and resident's services. I have a trading area that I decorated as well because I need a space for larger trades (more than one or two items) but I wanted it to be cute. Anyway, here are the photos:

also, this area might be one of the reasons Isabelle tells me my island has too many trees. Oopsies
This is what my entrance looks like! I have since torn it down though, because I want it to start a bit further back from the beach. However, I really like it. It's natural but it also has more city-like elements and pops of color :)
