I for one enjoyed Let?s Go. Dunno why everyone is picking it as to Happy Home Designer which was boring af. Even if it?s ?like the game on the phone? it?s still got a lot more than HHD. HHD is one of the most disappointing games I?ve ever purchased.
I wasn’t surprised at how much people hated the Pok?mon game. We don’t need another Kanto remake, and Pok?mon Go isn’t a true Pok?mon game. I don’t know if Pok?mon fans actually like unlimited use of TMs, being able to max out all six EVs, gym requirements, objective waypoints on map (like seen in Pok?mon Sun and Moon), telling us if a move is super-effective, effective, or ineffective in a battle (also in Sun and Moon), or hyper training, but I know that the removal of popular features have turned off fans. If any of you Pok?mon fans are willing to explain what’s wrong with everything said in italics, please tell me. I actually like what I listed in italics, but I don’t know if they are good ideas or bad ideas.
What I was surprised by is how much people hated Happy Home Designer. I thought it was a good game. It kinda tells me that spin-offs are bad for Animal Crossing (if we consider how bad amiibo Festival was).
I wasn’t surprised at how much people hated the Pok?mon game. We don’t need another Kanto remake, and Pok?mon Go isn’t a true Pok?mon game. I don’t know if Pok?mon fans actually like unlimited use of TMs, being able to max out all six EVs, gym requirements, objective waypoints on map (like seen in Pok?mon Sun and Moon), telling us if a move is super-effective, effective, or ineffective in a battle (also in Sun and Moon), or hyper training, but I know that the removal of popular features have turned off fans. If any of you Pok?mon fans are willing to explain what’s wrong with everything said in italics, please tell me. I actually like what I listed in italics, but I don’t know if they are good ideas or bad ideas.
Pokemon fans, help me out, please!! :3
I'm looking at the trailers and playing a bit of Pokemon Let's Go demo... kind of confused about it. Would it be a good place to start Pokemon? I've tried some Pokemon games on 3DS but they didn't really interest me, or maybe I need to try to play them again and just spend more time understanding it... regardless, I love Pokemon creatures but just not sure if I like the actual games.
Would Let's Go be a good place to start? Most of the negative remarks about the game seems to be something related to gameplay, which doesn't bother me much anyways since I don't like difficult games anyways and usually don't dive deep into the battle systems, as long as it's fun to play - it's enough for me.
Thoughs? : o Or should I hold up and hope for a demo for Sword / Shield?
I’ll admit Let’s Go has its pros even though it has a ton of cons, but it’s definitely not a Pokemon game you want to start the series with. The mechanics and everything are all a bit different from regular Pokemon games. I recommend either waiting for a demo for Sword/Shield or picking up a 3DS or DS Pokemon game and playing one of those to start with.
Gonna have to go HHD on this one. I know Kanto has been done to death by now (I myself have been playing since 1998), buuut having Pok?mon visible in the overworld + the new and improved shiny mechanics in Let's Go really hooked me. I think I've put something like 200 hours into it, which is more than I've put into any other Switch game I own. Can definitely see how competitive battlers may feel slighted by the series, though - it really didn't do much to advance that scene at all.
Not just another Kanto remake in a time with a lot of Gen 1 pandering, but with Pok?mon Go mechanics. Imagine if they remade Super Mario 64, but made it more like NSMB than Super Mario 64. Imagine if they remade Ocarina of Time, but with forced motion controls (like Skyward Sword). Now imagine if Star Wars Episode IV got even another remake, but they added Jar Jar Binks as a major character and put in midichlorians as an explanation of the Force? That?s what Pok?mon Let?s Go was like with Go mechanics. It?s still an enjoyable game, but this is what most Pok?mon fans feel. At least we got to see Kanto with modern gameplay that we didn?t have back then, but like what everyone says, enough is enough.
This may be an unpopular opinion, lol, but I actually didn't mind the Pok?mon Go "watering down" in LGPE, mainly because I don't consider Let's Go to be a mainline game. It's sort of the same way I'm sure I'll feel about the upcoming Masters mobile title - I hold "spinoffs" to different standards than I do the titled releases (so, for example, if SWSH advertised itself as having Go functionality, I might raise my eyebrows a bit). I'm also a little more casual in my consumption of Pok?mon (despite being a genwunner, haha), so as long as I can fill up that 'dex and hunt my shinies, I'm usually set.
The whole National Dex thing, though... that's a whooooole other can of worms.
This may be an unpopular opinion, lol, but I actually didn't mind the Pok?mon Go "watering down" in LGPE, mainly because I don't consider Let's Go to be a mainline game. It's sort of the same way I'm sure I'll feel about the upcoming Masters mobile title - I hold "spinoffs" to different standards than I do the titled releases (so, for example, if SWSH advertised itself as having Go functionality, I might raise my eyebrows a bit). I'm also a little more casual in my consumption of Pok?mon (despite being a genwunner, haha), so as long as I can fill up that 'dex and hunt my shinies, I'm usually set.
The whole National Dex thing, though... that's a whooooole other can of worms.