What got you into animal crossing?

i think a post on tumblr actually?

all these cute stories about how ya'll got into the game and i got into it thru tumblr lol
I discovered it through a friend and the real-time element + making friends with cute animals was instant love for me. I love that when it's Halloween in real life it's also Halloween in the game, etc. And I swear, those cute animals have been a lifesaver in 2020. reminds me of this meme:

Surprisingly, this is my first AC title, even though I'm 33 and definitely was old enough to have played the GC version. My nickname is Fox, and I saw the commercial for this and I said out loud, "oo, that looks like a Fox game" and sure enough, it was!
One of my friends was talking about New Leaf and how much fun it is. I had never heard of Animal Crossing before that and I'm so glad I decided to give it a chance. :)
I played a lot of Metroid Prime Hunters on the NDS back in early 2006, and one of my friends on that game recommended I buy Animal Crossing Wild World. I thought the game sounded weird, but I decided to try it anyways. Fell in love immediately. Been a fan of the series ever since. I'm a huge Metroid fan, so I named my first town Metroid.
I got into Animal Crossing because a good friend of mine intorduced me to the series! I always saw it but I didn't know whether or not I should try, but she convinced me to get New Leaf for my 3DS. I remember having so much fun visiting her town and vice versa.

One day, she moved away and we haven't talked since we lost all contacts, and when I got NH, I was kinda excited but a bit bummed since I didn't have her to enjoy the game with. I ended up having new friends to enjoy the game with but I still kinda miss her though.
i remember getting on youtube one day and finding vinny vinesauce to be playing animal crossing new leaf and so i watched and fell in love with how cute it was!!! but i couldnt afford a 3ds so the chances of me getting it were none. so when pocket camp came out i was there day one and was just happy to have animal crossing something.

i remember new horizons got announced and i was over the moon and preordered it lol
my sister introduced the series to me
i don't really know when i started, i sort of remember playing wild world with her, then years later me and both my siblings got city folk and i literally forgot that whole game 😅

after that i got new leaf and had to share it with my sister for a year until i got my own 2ds and finally my own animal crossing game
then i got the other games like happy home designer and pocket camp
and eventually i got new horizons, which i pre-ordered as soon as i could

i grew up with the animal crossing series so it's a really big part of my life ♡
(i didn't get amiibo festival though, the wii u looked kinda basic tbh)
I played my best friend's Wild World, and I thought it was so cute. Then when my mom got the Wii for us, I bought City Folk and just loved it. Grass deterioration was a fear for me, but I still loved the game itself. And then my team at work bought me New Leaf for Christmas back in 2013 I believe it was. And once again, was in love with it. Granted, I did stop playing for quite a while, even went a couple of years until I had a herniated disc. Then, spending most of my time outside of work in bed, I was back to playing it regularly, and praying that we would get an AC game for the Switch. Cue my excitement when they announced New Horizons, and oh my gosh I am so in love with this game!!!
Harvest Moon series (now Story of Seasons).

This farming game has been a HUGE part of my childhood, and it still is (can't wait for SoS: Pioneers of Olive Town this March btw). I spent hundreds of hours on these games and by the time I got into college (2005), I've gotten a little burnt out. So I went to look for something similar and got recommended ACWW. I tried it but AC wasn't really the game for me at the time.

I played the hell out of New Leaf though. And now New Horizons.
I'd actually never heard of animal crossing before 2020, probably because I hadn't had a Nintendo console since the very first ds.

Then the quarantine happened, and it was literally everywhere. I had decided to get a switch a while back (mostly for zelda and pokemon) so when I finally managed a couple of weeks ago I got New Horizons with it.

As for why I chose to get it immediately instead of waiting, it was partly because I love Stardew Valley and I thought this was similar, and partly because my laptop broke and I needed something to do that was time consuming but light.
For me, it was the real time clock and the fact that stores had actual opening and closing hours. It was just such a unique game mechanic and it really drew me to it!
What got you into animal crossing? (that lead up to playing new horizons)

For me, my dad *cough* pirated *cough* I mean magically obtained a whole load of games that i assume were either in some online bundle for kids or he picked out from best recommended onto the original DS for both me and my sister which included Wild World and was defiantly my most played game next to Super Mario Bros. It was actually really sweet of him to go to so much effort since he was a single parent and he even took the time to back up both our saves regularly / let us restart with the safety net that we could return to our old towns. Since then, he legitimately bought us Let's go to the city (aka City Folk) for the Wii and then New Leaf. I've been playing new leaf on and off since then and even spent a few months addicted to the game cube version once I found out emulators were a thing. Pocket Camp has been a weird one for me, until recently I always only had outdated phones and longed to play it, but for ages I could never really get into it and the 'leaf tickets' at first really pissed me off and made me almost hate it. However last week I reinstalled, and found its very easy to earn leaf tickets being free to play, and I'm loving the
out of it. Now, since NH was announced I've been saving up for a switch &NH but I only just saved up for new horizons from spare change/doing chores and odd jobs for neighbours and honestly didn't think I'd ever be able to get my hands on it! My boyfriend said I can use his switch to play so I'm able to play it a lot lot sooner than I thought I would,,,,, still can't quite believe it's going to be soon...

I think I only really started to understand what I was supposed to be doing- as in loans, helping villagers, events and actually reading the dialogue in New Leaf, but I have very vivid memories of playing hide and seek in the museum with my sister and our neighbor (online using the Wii speak thing) and with that neighbor we also went on holiday and all played animal crossing and a bunch of Mario games together on the DS. Fun times.

My experience is actually really similar to yours, at least for the first half. My father magically obtained a bunch of games too because his friend manages a video-games shop. Animal Crossing Wild World was one of the games he gave me but I ignored this game for a lot of time (I can't really tell if 6 months or a whole year) because I thought it was a game with just animals and I was scared to play it after I asked my mother for the meaning of "wild" (English is not my first language) and discovered it meant "savage". I legitimately believed Animal Crossing Wild Word was a horror zoo game. For a day or two, I tried to gather all the courage I had in me to start the game and finally try it out. When I started the game, I was jump scared by the Nintendo opening screen because there was a voice saying "Nintendo" which nearly made me throw my DS away and run fast lol. I wasn't reassured when Kapp'n showed up in his cub because I didn't know what was happening and he was just asking me questions. He asked me "Where are you going?" and I answered "Home", so my first ever Animal Crossing town was called "Home" lol. Needless to say that I immediately fell in love with the game and looked forward to playing it every day.

After a while, I saw there was a Wii version of the game in a random shop and begged my father to buy it for me. Fortunately for me, it was a cheap game at the time so I easily convinced my father. I have to admit that I was disappointed with City Folk because, apart from the city, it didn't have much to offer compared to Wild World so I never really played the game that much. I time travelled a lot and resetted my town almost every day in City Folk.

When New Leaf came out, I longed so much for it and waited 6 months to finally be able to play it. Just like you, it was in New Leaf that I realized what I was actually supposed to do in an Animal Crossing game. I had a blast playing New Leaf until New Horizons was announced. By then I was already burnt out with New Leaf after years of playing it every day so I stopped playing the game (at that time I had basically stopped playing and had been checking my town only once in a while for a year or so already).

Finally, March 2020 came and I got my hands on New Horizons, which I have been playing (almost) on a daily basis since its release.

This is my Animal Crossing story. :)