I'm a Slytherin/Hufflepuff mix - All my friends say I'm Syltherin because of the way I act but the Pottermore quiz/teachers and people who I'm not super close with but still talk to say I'm a Hufflepuff!
I went to Harry Potter World in Universal Studios over spring break and I got a Slytherin sweatshirt and it's the softest thing ever!
I never undestood why Slutherin is so hated! I mean, I'm a Hufflepuff and I guess it makes some sense, but I actually tend to see myself in Slytherin. All the bad kids get thrown in there like some sort of garbage bin.
I have many aspects of the HufflePuss house and Ravenclaw but would subject myself to Ravenclaw as I have taken many Buzzfeed tests resulting in Ravenvlaw
I know the tests aren't accurate in the slightest but I'd like to think I am Ravenclaw ♥
That quiz results always change for me but my house has most often either been a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff. I feel more like a Hufflepuff. The humble but powerful, just like the badger. But I do like Ravenclaw as well.
Pottermore put me into Slytherin, which I guess it fits. I consider myself creative and resourceful, not super ambitious though.
Plus the common room is underwater and that's probably the coolest thing!