What I thought of mp3...

Furry Sparks

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2005
Odd's thread reminded me I was going to post this D= so anyway...

there aren't really any spoilers I can think of... But still, be careful...

I thought it was too easy. I'm not talking about just the combat, just the whole game. None of the "puzzles" were really that hard. There were maybe one or two parts where I was stuck for a little bit, but then after looking around for a few minutes I figured out what to do. Usually if you don't know where to go, just walk around for a while and wait for the aurora unit to tell you exactly where to go.

And then the fighting... Maybe I'm just getting better, but It wasn't that hard to me. I only died a few times, maybe two/three times on bosses, and like once or twice from screwing around or something. I haven't tried hyper difficulty yet

The power ups? Easy. Its like you knew the answer to how to get the power up before you even know it was there. See a spider ball track? A little morph ball tunnel slightly hidden? Follow it and chances are... you'll find a missile expansion or an energy tank. I remember thinking that there should be a little X on the map on rooms you get a power up in... which I did get eventually, but what I also got was the location of ever upgrade in the game, which made it extremely easy to find them. I finished the game 100% with no guides in 15 hours. This game was supposed to be for hardcore gamers... but it seems kinda dumbed down to me.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the game. It was awesome, but I just think it was a little too easy.
I just got it, and I'm lovin' it so far. I guess I wouldn't really know if its easy or not. The Berserker Lord guy was not tough at all, though....then again, he is only the first boss/mini-boss.
Super Daddy-o said:
Do you think the game itself is easier, or the Wii controls make it easier?
The game itself. Its not just the fighting thats easier, its the whole game (puzzles, upgrades, that kind of stuff)
Super Daddy-o said:
Do you think the game itself is easier, or the Wii controls make it easier?
The game itself. Its not just the fighting thats easier, its the whole game (puzzles, upgrades, that kind of stuff)
That's kinda the way the Zelda and Metroid franchises have gone. They don't seek to destroy you like most other games (if you want that, buy any Treasure game... seriously, Ikaruga and Gradius V live to destroy you

:p ). The series have become more of an experience than a gauntlet, and I don't mind that (but I understand where you're coming from here).

On that note, you might want to keep an eye on Mario Galaxy. The Mario series has still managed to maintain a degree of difficulty that's practically unchanged from its 2D brethren. I remember that some of the secret stages in Mario Sunshine were BRUTAL! If the original Mario theme music is playing (granted, heavily remixed), more often than not you will be in for a rough time. I swear some of those took me upwards of 50 lives worth of tries to beat (they placed some 1up shrooms in some locations, so if you can get the shroom every time you won't really lose any lives).
I think that some of them were easy, some required a little thinking. However a little too short and easy.

But before I review the game, I'm going to play about a few hours on moderate, and a few on Hyper Mode difficulty.