What I'm like with no WiFi

Sony probably just hacked because they hate Nintendo because they know Nintendo is better.
K. K. said:
Tyler said:
K. K. said:
And that SONY is about to go out buisness
Yeah, mostly because they overprice their stuff. (and the hacker, we can't forget about him)lol
They spend way too much money on their blue-ray thing
Yeah, they do, but i wish the wii had some kind of dvd player in it. That would be cool
IM SO ANGRY when I try to open my gate I get error code 61070 it was working this morning! now I cant even get my GATE OPEN!!!! So I guess the hacker isnt gonna QUIT! will anyone on this site plz call nintendo I wanna hear there excuse this Time! T_T
Whatever that hacker did, it must have been a pretty big thing, seeing how this make the second night in a row that wifi was out.
i can open my gate but i can't go to another town cuz i get the error code
Cooler said:
i can open my gate but i can't go to another town cuz i get the error code
Yeah, most people can open their gate, but they can't go to peoples towns. Wifi must be messed up very badly.
Yea mines pretty much the opposite it will load on the open town page but when I open my gate I get da error code! :(