What in-game gives you that sweet serotonin boost?

So consistently, it’s getting a coffee, and hearing from Katrina that my friendships are improving. When she says how much said villager is thinking about me, I’m set.

Then there was this one off occurrence that’s still just a special to me when it comes to mood-boosting.

I completed a coffee milestone at the café, so Brewster gave me a cookie recipe and plainly thanked me.

Not for anything in particular, no exaggeration, just a genuine (as far as games go) “thank you”.

And that day in real life had been rough, so having this no-nonsense, almost silent guy “appreciate” me was the serotonin I needed. lol
Seeing my villagers run around the plaza, seeing them sit and look up at the sky, and when i'm customizing my house. It's small, but even the tiniest of things can pack so much love 'n meaning.
when villagers come over to my house or ask to come over even though im usually in the middle of something. also kapp'n singing, it's sort of nostalgic for me, it reminds me of my new leaf days.