I just want to learn more about how your island progresses. Do you have to invest in shops/services, or can you access them elsewhere? What role will Isabelle play? Will she still be in the town hall (where ever or whenever it?s accessible)? Will there still be PWPs or will things like the lighthouse just be an item you can place outside? Also, how will sharing designs work?
I?m also curious about recipes. Are there some items that can only be crafted? Are the recipes you receive randomly generated? Do you have to wait to get access to some recipes like PWP requests in NL? If a friend gives you an item they crafted, and you don?t have a recipe for it, do you unlock the recipe once you obtain the item? Will the catalog include items you crafted? Will they be orderable?
I have a lot of questions about crafting recipes, lol.
I'm mostly interested in functional details at the moment--things like how many villagers we can have. Also, please, for heaven's sake: confirm a way for us to secure who moves in, who moves out, and where they put their house! I want full control over this after the havoc that my early days in NL caused. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, too...
Save backup and how online is done is a must at this point.
The existence of an energy system and the potential involvement with crafting would be nice to know about.
I definitely need to know if my amiibo cards were a waste spoilers yes they were
And the potential for DLC would be nice to know. But not necessary.
I don't give a **** about new villagers or new special NPCs or new furniture. But tell me if I can change the windows on the inside of my house. Or put up curtains. Give me the features from HHD dammit
I literally just want to know about how choosing a map will work. That is what ultimately caused me to abandon New Leaf so it's super important for me.
1.) MOST IMPORTANT TO ME: If I have two switches, with two islands, can my character visit the other island via local wireless? People have told me "yes", but I want to hear Nintendo say this very clearly. I am constantly resetting my game in ACNL, perhaps every two months, because I like doing this. I do not play with other people; when I reset, I will want to drop off a few favorite items at my other island. Otherwise there's no point in buying another Switch.
2.) I have Hopper's amiibo card and he is included in ACNH. Does that mean I can get him to move in, like in ACNL? Or, by "amiibo functionality" does Nintendo just mean we can get items by using the amiibo card, or some such thing? I don't want items; I want my BFF Hopper on the island.
3.) Where will the shops be? Will there be a Dream Suite?
4.) Will there be many important microtransactions? Do we have to pay for the online services if we don't want to visit anybody else (except my character on my second Switch)? I will be fine with just saving locally and not backing up to the cloud through online services.
5.) Can we still time travel by changing the time on the switch?
In the poll, I selected "Online Functionality", "Amiibo Functionality", and "If there are Microtransactions/DLC".
I literally just want to know about how choosing a map will work. That is what ultimately caused me to abandon New Leaf so it's super important for me.
Really excited to see how online works and how we can trade, etc. Hoping for good things seeing as the online functionality on the switch is a lot better than the 3DS!
Not the choosing of the map, but just maps in general. People's opinions about the maps in NL just ultimately turned me off to the game because I just got into this vicious cycle of "this map has so many flaws" and constantly reset. Didn't even have any interest in returning to the game, even to check out the welcome amiibo update.
Honestly, at this point the game is so close to release, and I know I’m 100% going to play it. Most of what I don’t know would be more fun to just learn in the game itself while playing at this point.
Only exceptions to that are mostly the systems built around the game. Like saves and backups. I want to know how that will work. I’d also like to know what kinds of online play options I’ll have. I also want to know about any possible DLC plans, for better or worse.
The only other thing is I want to know is exactly what stuff I’ll need to reset my town for on day one. That’s the one thing I’ll have to look up possibly before playing. I kinda regretted not resetting more for my town in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, so I want to know exactly what I should be looking for on my map before I get going. Aside from that, I just want most things to be a surprise.
I would like information on map picking. With the map I hope it lists what fruit is on the island.
Information on how resources will work with 8 players sharing an island. With ACNL the fruit and weeds are gone after the 1st player picks them. Hope more building items get placed when the next player logs in.
I want to know how the save feature will work, but I am more concerned with if there will be micro transactions or DLC. I uninstalled pocket camp twice because I got tired of feeling like everything good could only be had with spending more money, and I would hate if this game goes that route.
I'm really curious to see how many villagers there will be on the island. I really want to know if they increased the number of villagers from 10 to somewhere in between 12-15. Also wondering if we can have longer town names and that they increased the character limit for them. Other than that, that's about it. It would be nice to see that information, but even if we don't get a direct, it's fine with me.
The thing I want to find out most about is how the save backup is going to work. However, I doubt they will tell us more until much later on. I also want to find out more about what the in game purchases will be like and also more information about where/what the town will be like.
For me I think mostly I'd like to hear about how we can use our amiibo cards and figures. My husband bought me the Sanrio pack for Christmas '18 and I know it probably cost him a pretty penny.. So I'd really like to be able to use them again. I also have a bunch of the figures and regular + RV cards, so I'd really like to be able to use them as well.
Next to that I'm most curious about the micro-transactions/DLC thing and how it will be implemented. I really hope there's DLC we will be able to pick up/redeem in stores and places across the world! I also don't mind micro-transactions, but as they can be done in many ways it really depends on how and at which price.. However given the game is releasing where I live we can be pretty sure there are no blind box/randomised purchases in the game.
Lastly I hope the Save Backup for Switch Online users will be confirmed soon! It'd really put my mind at ease about losing my game
I really don’t care for save back ups. I‘ve never resetted in the past for anything (except for town layout at the very beginning) and it would be interesting to play the game without the ability of time travelling. I am also not afraid at all that my Switch might break as none of my consoles broke in the past and I‘ve had every console since the original grey gameboy.
I‘d love to see the shops and that you can buy your furniture just like you did in past games if you don’t enjoy the crafting aspect.