What is a 'happy life' in your opinion?

A life where you're comfortable with the state youre in. i feel like a good life depends on a person's take on things. when you feel good about where you are and where your standards are, then it'll always lead to a more positive and productive outlook on things :)
Not having to deal with annoying people.. Also have your own house/apartment or whatever thing you want to live in and don't have to worry about where to sleep and stuff.
I'm not really sure. I always think I've figured it out but then something happens to make me change my mind again. I don't know if I'll ever have a happiness in life but instead, I'll just keep chugging along without thinking about it. Maybe one day I'll finally know and feel what it's like to have a happy life.
A happy and loving life with my lifelong partner, a healthy family, strong mental health... of course I don't want to have to worry about a home or money, but that's of secondary importance to me.
A happy life for me would be:

-having my dream career,
preferably working from home?
-being financially secure
-healthy lifestyle
-being surrounded by my loved ones,
-knowing my mum will be okay,
-having kitties

exactly what i want too but except i want a pack of golden retrievers lol
My ideal life is:
- Not being in constant pain
- Not being constantly tired
- Being able to get a job thanks to the above 2 things
- Having my animals and family be safe and happy.
Being happy a significant amount of the time. I think tying feelings of happiness to specific goals and refusing to view your life as a good one until you've met those goals- things like money or a specific career- makes you miss out on a lot of opportunities to be happy sooner. In general, I think it's about emotional stability and inner peace.
a happy life in my opinion includes...
a job that i enjoy, a spouse, friends that care about me, and a house that i love - in a city i love.

with all these requirements, i'm pretty flexible on all the rest. i just want to care about people and people who care about me.
I actually think there’s no such thing as a “happy life”.

Having financial stability, a good career, a partner, a family, a place to live, a car, the ability to travel, to experience new things, and learn new things your whole life are all good things, but even if you have a lot of these things there’s always going to be a problem or a couple problems in your life that you’ll have to resolve as you get older.

In the end, no matter how much pain is thrown at me, no matter how bad I may feel, I know that there’s always the chance to have a better day the next day. You can’t say we’re living for a tomorrow that will only be worse than today, because nobody knows that for sure. I’ll continue to strive to have a good day instead of a bad day as I continue to live. After all, that’s the only thing that can be done, right? ^^
Financial stability, good physical and mental health, and having somewhere where you belong. When I look at the times in my life when I was the happiest, those were the common factors.
Having financial stability (not just being able to survive but also being able to...y'know, have fun doing things that require money to do, because capitalism) and by extension having a job I have fun doing, being surrounded by people that care about me, being in a good state of physical and mental health (I'm currently going through rough times right now with both, so definitely not ideal), being able to live with a nice significant other that shares interests with me and treats me well, owning a nice house and living in a nice neighborhood in a nice town/city. That would be my ideal life.
Financial stability, having a career that makes me happy and feel fulfilled, and lastly getting married to my best friend would be my ideal ?perfect? life. ^^
There was a time when I would have listed many of the same things everbody else has listed: love, financial stability, lots of animals, and so on. But I have my health, a good paying job, a husband I adore, and a dog by my side and those things haven't made my life any happier.

I think happiness is a state of mind. There are people who can truly be happy with nothing and there are those who have everything a person could want and happiness still eludes them. I'm honestly not sure what it would take to make my life happier. Sure, there are plenty of things that could be improved, but I don't think I have the mentality to have a 'happy life.' I just need to keep the people and animals around me that I love because they motivate me to keep going every day.
freedom certaintly, with that you can gain a happy life if that is up to you.

women are suffering in many places in the world and many try to commit suicide because death is more liberating. freedom is so precious.