What is a 'happy life' in your opinion?

I think the thing that's brought the most genuine happiness to my life is finding a career where I feel I'm helping others. So I'd say having something in life that gives you meaning and purpose. Add someone to share that with and then I think you have perfection.
To truly love yourself, regardless of your flaws and imperfections. As well as being pleased with where you are in life.
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- nice health
- well paying, enjoyable job
- happiness
- love
- fun!
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A happy life for me is emotional stability, no debts, having people that support you and a place where you feel at home.^^
Somehow, I don't think a happy life is something one can describe or define :eek: I think you just reach a point where you look at your life and think, yeah I'm happy
A life where I can play Animal Crossing.
- A decent well paying and secure job
- "Somebody special"
- My own place
- No debt
- Enough time and money to do what I want

Most of this I have got.
- My job pays well with it only set to go up more alongside other benifits and I can't see it going anywhere in the near future.
- I've been with a girl for a couple months after staying single for about 5 years (by choice), just waiting for "somebody I really like" to come along as well as making sure I was happy with myself. Can't be happy with somebody else if you're not happy with yourself.
- I've just recently moved into my own place and whilst it's rented, it's still mine and my first home away from parents (plus it's with my best friend of 10 years, so that's fun)
- I have a little debt, but it's not much and can easily be paid off.

Time and money is my only issue. I want to spend time with friends and girlfriend as well as leave some time for myself to play guitar/do music things, draw and play video games. Alongside work, it's difficult to do everything I want to.

Considering I spent the majority of my life poor, struggling to find work and with little to no friends, I feel I'm mostly hitting those goals.
To protect the world from devastation
To unite all peoples within our nation
To denounce the evils of truth and love
To extend our reach to the stars above
to love life, be happy with it. and no amount of items/money/etc doesn't matter
You can't rely on things or people to make you happy
Happiness is an emotional state you can't magically make it come
Some people could have everything they wanted and still not be happy, happiness is learning to love life for what it is.
A happy life is learning to accept life for what it is, life is a blank piece of paper for you to draw on and find out how you want to live, you only get to live one life so it's up to you how you're going to spend it.
Money? Good Health? Friends? All of the belongings you could ever want?
In the end it doesn't matter if I have these things or not because life will never last forever you should spend it doing something you really want to do while you have the chance.
I'm already happy with my life because I already got to make some good memories and I can still make more, I'm happy I even got a chance to live.
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To me a happy life is a routine you’re content with. It’s one that you find comfort and productivity in, regardless of the imperfections.
a happy life, to me, would be a life that i don’t just exist in, but that i actually live. i would feel alive and like a normal human being instead of hollow and fatigued all the time. i would live every day to its fullest, take advantage of the fact that i’m alive, and actually feel grateful that i am.

i would have enough independence, knowledge and money to live on my own (or with a roommate or two) in an apartment that i actually feel safe and comfortable in; there’d be no mice, no constant screaming or emotional/mental breakdowns, no heated discussions or arguments over things that can be discussed calmly, etc. my kitten would be with me as well, of course, and she’d be happy and healthy. no coughing, no vomiting, no potential FIP, none of that. i’d have a job that i love—i’m not sure of the specifics, but i think i wanna work with animals— with co-workers and superiors that like, support and include me. it wouldn’t have to be the best paying job on earth, but i’d at least like to make enough that i’m not living paycheque to paycheque. i wanna be able to comfortably afford a roof over my head, food in my belly every night, my kitten and her wants/needs, as well as my own. a significant other isn’t necessary, but i’d want at least a couple close irl friends that i can hang out with, rely on and trust, and who actually care about me and respect me. i love my online friends so, so much, but not having anyone irl is honestly lonely as hell lol. i just wish i had friends i could do stuff with, y’know? i’d also still be in contact with my parents, but it’d be minimal and i would feel so much better mentally because of it. i love and appreciate my parents, but they are... a lot lol. they’ve caused me a lot of trauma and insecurities over the years, and their emotional immaturity, manipulation, tempers and almost daily arguments/breakdowns are detrimental to my mental health, so i think living separate from them and being able to control how much/often i interact with them would really help me heal and strengthen my relationship with them. i’d also have finally legally changed my name to xara, and i would be completely independent in terms of cooking, cleaning, getting to places, etc.

my idea of a happy life wouldn’t necessarily mean a mental or physical illness free life, though. i’d still have depression and anxiety, but i’d be in therapy, on medication that actually works, and i would feel so much better. i would also know whether or not i actually have the mental illnesses that i believe i may have or not. i’d also still unfortunately have ibs, but it would be much more controlled as well, and flareups wouldn’t happen as often. i’d be free of brain fog and fatigue most days and would be able to be productive and do the things that i need to do, as well as the things i want to do. i’d actually have the energy to create art and literature, play animal crossing, etc. i’d be fine without validation from others, and wouldn’t let not having it prevent me from doing the things i want or need. my life wouldn’t be anything special, but it’d be normal, functional and happy, and i would be happy as well. that’s all that matters to me. :’)
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Minimal to no stressors in your life, and the ones you do have are temporary and short lived. No long lasting ones.

Time to do hobbies/free time in general

Honestly the minimal to no stressor things includes a ton of things, like money and health, both phyical and mental. Stress is my main issue in life now and is the cause of most of my problems. Without stress I can do more things and be generally well.