What is keeping you from going insane waiting for this game?

I’ve been coming up with island names, character names to get ready. I’m also keeping busy decorating my real room, and doing some online shopping, and watching some netflix.
I haven't played New Leaf in a while so I'm playing that a bit. I never managed to completely decorate my house, so I am trying to do that. Other than that, I've been playing the Sims 2. I got a bit invested in Final Fantasy 14 and playing that with my husband. I also picked up Dragon Quest 11 and Altelier Lulua to play.

Outside of gaming stuff, I am trying to knit myself more socks and find myself a real teacher job now that I have my official certification. You would think I would have more confidence in myself finding a job after my student teaching and all of my experience, but I interview poorly and my confidence has been cracked a bit.